Saturday 14 January 2012

Diagnosing the empty front bench that Ed Miliband is "leading the Opposition" with! [2]

1010 [1005] [0845] Hrs GMT London Saturday 14 January 2012
AADHIKAROnline Editor © Muhammad Haque.

WHEN even NEIL KINNOCK has to come out of his 10th retirement phase [in 20 years] and speak out against the “cowards” and certify Ed Miliband as fit for purpose, it is clearly the moment that a serious democratic audit took place of the “MPs” that allegedly form [as in constitute] the Parliamentary Labour Party.....

With the Daily Telegraph’s very own ideologically compatible Right-wing, pro-cuts “diarist/sketch-writer” Tim Walker expressing open surprise [in the past 20 minutes on the BBC News Channel] at the idiocy of the comment as reportedly made by Rachel Reeves, the so-called shadow chief secretary to the Treasury [“....we are not ready...”] that audit could not be held soon enough.
Rachel Reeves has been parachuted into coveted state offices at the speed of light. What, exactly, are the supposed attractions of this individual for holding the posts that she has on her CV already? If her utterances are any guide, not much!

Rachel Reeves now “occupies” in a shadow mode the same post that Liam Byrne had “vacated” as he left HIS IDIOTIC note bragging that there was no money left!
Ms Reeves shares another “trait” with the "ethical, moral, and democracy-deficit and liability" that is Liam Byrne
She is clueless about “Welfare”
More on this in due course

[To be continued]

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