Sunday 25 December 2011

Big Business keeps its grip on society fleecing ordinary people...Muhammad Haque Rebutting Sky News "Dinner' [1]

2215 Hrs GMT London Saturday 24 December 2011: By © Muhammad Haque diagnosing and rebutting SKY NEWS presentation of Jeff Randall’s Christmas Dinner, just broadcast.
2215 Hrs GMT London Saturday 24 December 2011: By © Muhammad Haque.
Here is my instant rebuttal to Sky News.
Because on the showing this evening, SKY NEWS is serving the Big Business agenda.  As opposed to the agenda that must serve the people. Ordinary people. Unpromoted, unglamorous, grass roots people.  But SKY NEWS hides that fact most of the times. Only on the very rare occasions does it allow any insight to intrude. Just as it had done last Saturday, when it ran a very important piece about the 2012 Games Hosting bonanza not benefiting people in the so-called Olympic Boroughs. Back to the normal “diet” that Sky News dishes out. It is for the benefit of Big Business.
Big Business agenda is alive and it is kicking society [oops! BIG] Society, in the groin even at a “sentimental moment” like this. “Christmas Eve” is supposed to be a hugely caring occasion in the West. Britain is no exception. It is during the weeks before Christmas that all the “caring” effusions are displayed.
Yet the “Media”, the mainstream of it, is as bereft of true caring contents tonight as it has been for the rest of the year. The evidence came in the introduction to a programme broadcast in the past hour by Sky news and called “Jeff Randall’s Christmas Dinner”.
The piece contained a brief comment by the head of the Imperial Tobacco conglomerate, one of the UK’s biggest companies [“We are a leading international tobacco company”]. She stated one of the standard issue slogans about the media: that a “free” media in Britain was vital and so she felt that regulation of the media should be done by a genuinely independent body. The independent body should include representatives from the tobacco industry as well! There was no evidence in the falsified SKY news Christmas Dinner [recorded a while ago and trailed for the past few days] of the hardships done to the millions of people by the banks or by the bankers.
In fact the opposite image of Big Business was created. As shown in the presentation of the “wisdom” of Jeff King, the J. Sainsbury Group’s chief executive, one of the three taking part in the “Dinner”.  Nor were there any references to any evidence on the real faults and flaws in “the economy”. Nor about how it works. Or fails to work. Society was not centre stage in this over-hyped Sky news” current affairs” “top billed” “high-octane”  “extravaganza”! The vast majority of ordinary viewers watching the “Jeff Randall Christmas Dinner” would feel that they were suffering a gossipy chat. Totally unexplained renditions of slogans and sound bytes were thrown in.
Nothing was reported about why people blamed banks and bankers. In fact, bank and bankers were promoted by the bankers’ rep that appeared on the “Dinner”. In fact the only really civil-society words were uttered towards the end by the bankers’ rep himself. He actually uttered a phrase about guarantee of our civil liberties or of “our liberties”.
And he said that the free press or the free media was about the only guarantor of liberties in this country. Nothing was said or suggested about the actual contents, let alone THE ROLE played day to day by the print media on the whole or of the sound or visual media in misinforming the masses and in misleading the masses and in creating the myths and perpetrating the lies that actually keep society unfair, unjust as far as the experience of millions of people are concerned.
Given the thrust of that show, a gossipy promotion for Big Business as benign and ultimately good for the rest of us! It was another let down, another abuse of “media power”. It was the perpetration of the status quo.
The same myths, the same lies. Big Business rules. And Big Business rules are good! Jeff Randall did what the BBC had been doing more frequently with their over-promoted Business “thinker” who hosts a regular slot promoting Big Corporation bosses.
The BBC fails to tell the truth in that slot and it fails to deliver the public service duty to inform.
[To be continued]

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