Tuesday 8 November 2011

Muhammad Haque Daily Constitutional law and Economic Commentary

0840 Hrs GMT



08 November 2011

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Constitutional law and Economic Commentary

Updating on the morass of “western” regimes showing unacceptable failure to address poverty in the Asian and African [and other] countries whose poor people want to migrate en masse to these “Western” countries: [1]

After the "debacle" over “UKBA being found wanting” over "border controls", questions UPDATED for ALL "regulatory, control agencies" in the UK -1

This is not at all a news item.

In context.

The evidence is that “UK border Control” in the sense that the “Government” of the day claims to be in place, has never been in place.

As I have recently recalled, almost 21 years ago I had told John Major, who was then in the same post as David Cameron is now, that HE was part of a club of “Government post holders” that had been CAUSING the prelim of " mass migrations" to the western countries to remain a reality.

I explained all of that in a print version [that was naturally more detailed than my shortened version in the broadcast piece] that I also published in a now defunct weekly [small print run, usual reality] that was “edited" by a man who has since “prospered” and is now seen as a suitably-exhibited face doing some rounds bearing the badge of the Guardian media group slot.

I set out the summary in my broadcast in the Politics slot on Channel 4.

So it as not an obscure, unseen or unheard item or a private communication.

I made it as public as it could get.

And the occasion was John major’s then imminent appearance at the United Nations Organisation to deliver a spiel.

My thesis was [and it has been reinforced since and] to this effect: that unless the so-called developed economies address poverty in Asian and African countries [and by extrapolation over the intervening 21 years in eastern European counties and in other continents large numbers of whose populations are heading for “the West"] then mass migration to these western countries are going to get so large that societies would get really dislodged.

I am astounded [!!!!!] that “nobody” [!!!!] seems to have watched that broadcast that I made on that Politics slot on Channel 4 TV!

By “nobody” I mean the United Nations, agencies, the UK Border Agency or anybody in the UK parliament at all.

And I am surprised that no UK newspaper or media outfit has acknowledged my manifesto solutions to what I still believe is one of our world’s most demanding challenges

[To be continued]

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