Monday 24 October 2011

UK MPs, the "Palace" of Westminster continue to remain as far removed from the people today as they have done for hundreds of years. NOT rebelling!

0540 [0500] Hrs GMT London Monday 24 October 2011.

UK MPs, the "Palace" of Westminster continue to remain as far removed from the people today as they have done for hundreds of years. NOT rebelling!

© Muhammad Haque Daily Constitutional and Ethical commentary on the state of morality-free, ethics-free, democracy-free “Parliament” in the UK.

Exposing the “mainstream” media untruth about “Tory MPs rebelling against the EU”.

Pointing out the day's example of the stupidest assertion by the "mainstream" as typified by the BBC.

The stupidity is in the fact that the Tory MPs' latest display of "opposition" to the UK's membership of the EU is genuine.

It is not genuine. It cannot be genuine. It is a bargaining ploy. And this is going to remain the case for as long as I can foresee.

The so-called "Labour Party Euro sceptics" too are guilty of the same thing. And the "rebellion" is no such thing. Whenever MPs appear to be taking a stance that is not the same as that of the Party Whip" [notice the sadistic language they use there too] the "media" confounds the linguistic abuse by calling such behaviour "rebellious".

There has not been a genuine rebellion by UK MPs for more than three hundred years.

Every single ploy is staged for the purpose of the week or the year. Had there been a rebellion, it would have changed Parliament.

Parliament has not changed for hundreds of years. MPs behave as stooges. Stooges for the agenda-setting forces that remain unaccountable, unidentified by name. Those forces are the ones that set the agenda of each "mainstream" Party. And Mps carrying the "Party" cards behave as stooges managed via each” Party’s" "Whips"!". The fact that there is this word "Whip" still "actively used" shows that there is not a Democratic Parliament in being.

It is a Whipped Parliament. It is a sadistic, sub- fascist operation.

So whoever still suffers from the delusion that there is a thing called “The Westminster Model of Parliamentary democracy” is not only a treble moron but is also in need of serious therapy for multiple health issues.

How can it be a model when the thing itself is devoid of the real representative characteristics?

[To be continued]

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