Monday 31 October 2011

Fleet Street " quality" daily Telegraph PRAISES Cameron for the "sins" that it would condemn G Brown for!

1420 GMT London Monday 31 October 2011

Today's Daily Telegraph [on its FrontPage] is shamelessly peddling the same fakery and showing it as an achievement by CON-DEM Cameron as had been exhibited by Gordon Brown about "new jobs announcement".

Gordon Brown abused the position as “The Prime Minister" of the day by allowing Big Biz Agenda lies about “infrastructure projects” to be given heavy-duty “Government imprimatur”. I use the word imprimatur to stress the implied gravity and reliability that are associated with State announcements.

The Tory-graph is correctly condemned as the propaganda organ for the worst of the neoconniving Consevative party. I say neoconniving on the facts. It is the Neo-con House Journal in Western Europe.

How can the Tory-Graph claim that an "announcement" [at the time as yet] to be mouthed by Cameron, amounted to the realisation?

Yet the headline went as boldly fraudulently as the Tory-graph designers could make it appear on the front page.

Hours later, the Channel 4 News web site is itself committing the same misrepresentation of the facts as it had done so often for Gordon Brown. Present the claimed job creation as not only a credible utterance but that its realisation had already begun even before the script writers had left their desks.

It goes without saying that the Daily Mail is as fabricating for the Cameron image as a job creator as that paper [and its entire Editorial agenda operating team fronted by Paul Dacre] would have been unhesitant in their condemnation of anything Gordon Brown would have said.

In between the front pages, neither the BBC News Channel nor Sky news has had any rigours put into the coverage of the Cameron callousness about “job creation” and “kick-start” projects to that alleged end...

The fact is that the “jobs” and the “projects” that Cameron has unleashed are nothing at all to do with ordinary people deserving to be employed for their skills and for their readiness to earn their living. The jobs are in the main another cover for Cameron’s real agenda designed for his CONDEM Collusion’s stooged service to the demands Military Industrial Complex. Most of the “jobs” and the associated propjets are in strange areas of the “economy” not at all reaching the needs or the capacities of ordinary people.

This same MIC agenda drives the rest of the UK Government strategy.

That was also uppermost in Gordon Brown’s “infrastructure” announcements.

The only difference being that those who had been overly hostile to the remotest hint of J M Keynes in anything G Brown claimed, are not going to say anything noticeable about that over-assaulted villain in the mythology of economic planning and macro economic policy-making.

[To be continued]

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