Wednesday 24 August 2011

]© Muhammad Haque files yet another historic exclusive comment the real moral collapse in Britain. This moral collapse will haunt David Cameron long

[© Editor Muhamad Haque

AADHAR Media publishing


Brick Lane Today



n association with the Kay Jordan Foundation

and CBRUK and the Brick Lane Community

Business Forum at 0900 Hrs GMT London

Wednesday 24 August 2011


[ ALSO COMING here NEXT this week:

How Ken Livingstone, Boris Johnson and the “EDL” have been making some odd bed fellows in the name of their “interests” in Tower Hamlets. And why OFCOM’s “findings” on the ethnicity channel over Ken Livingstone's "Baishaki" "solidarity" fakery leaves m,most f the facts out f the banal and timid "inquiry".



[COMING NEXT this week:

Community builder Graham Hobbs

reflects on his campaigning days with

Kay Jordan, the East End’s very

own community architect and pioneer

business woman of the sustainable community kind!

]© Muhammad Haque files yet another historic exclusive comment the real moral collapse in Britain. This moral collapse will haunt David Cameron for far longer than Andy Coulson could “reassuringly”

[!!!] script it for him! Also published on the web site of the London weekly the SPECTATOR earlier today 24 August 2011

I recall so many things that were being said in the early 1980s on the corridors of the London County Hall that had successfully been linked with several individuals in "political office" who had received gifts from the Libya Colonel. Typically, I was successful in staying away from the gifts and also from the gift-takers. But the observation remains: how did they justify taking the Libyan dosh and how , now, are they able to stay so calm and say nought! It must be down to those "British vah-loos" that Gordon Brown was so fond of boasting about! The same vah-loos that took Tony Blair to Tripoli where he did receive his equivalents of the Libyan's gifts! I wonder what will be revealed as being the "moral" equivalent that David Cameron and his CONDEM allies have done with Libya! Moral Collapse indeed! What Brown, cameron and Blair, to name only the recent three tokens, must remember is this: ordinary humanity will never forgive the crimes that suit-wearing stooges and agents of Big Business do at the behest of the Military industrial Complex. If Libya Gaddafi was undermining humanity and democracy then he was doing so for decades. He was not attacked then. So the only reason he is attacked now is because he is refusing to proffer enough gifts. This is not responsible politics. This is not legal war. This is not legal occupation. And Cameron will never live down the dire betrayal of the UNO’s founding Conventions that he has taken part in perpetrating. Society cannot but lose from such examples of law-breaking by any sitting Prime Minister. People are watching as Cameron goes from one moral contradiction and hypocrisy to the next. Who will bring Cameron to moral order and discipline? Society needs a movement precisely to bring that overdue moral and ethical and democratic accountability about.

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