Sunday 28 August 2011

Muhammad Haque Daily Constitutional, Constitutional Law, Ethics, Morality and Democracy Commentary: CONDEM bans democracy 'for 30 days' as a start!

140 [0100] Hrs GMT London Sunday 28 August 2011

© Muhammad Haque Daily Constitutional, Constitutional Law, Ethics, Morality and Democracy Commentary about the state of morality-free career politics and opportunist posturing by the assorted “left” branded stooges, careerists and operatives for the anti-democratic agenda being continued [from Calgarian, Thatcher and Bliared years and now, under many contemporarily disguised, configured and staged “events” being] carried out by the CONDEM Collusion. Contextually Series as updated [2].

What a deeply ignorant and immature "viewpoint" by the Communist Party of Great Britain [CPGB] organ the "Morning Star" as I have cited it a post ago. It [the "Morning Star"] cannot bring itself to facing the fact that Tower Hamlets Council is a very bankrupt Council: bankrupt politically, bankrupt democratically and above all bankrupt ethically.

The ONLY way that any threat to the local community as “contained and extrapolated” from the staged outfit concerning the 03 September 2011 “March” could be dealt with by the COMMUNITY in and of Tower Hamlets would have been by asserting the peoples’ democratic mandate.

That mandate has been denied.

It has been suppressed.

Even with the limitations that the Council and the Councllors’ elections [as dated 06 May 2010] typify and exhibit, a fully pro-democratic Tower Hamlets Council and on that evidential basis, a Community meeting examining the Council's state and role on the its constitutional, electoral, democratic duty to deliver democratically warranted services and accountability to the community would have put on the record for all to see a tenably representative picture of life in the "most deprived", East London, inner city borough of Tower Hamlets.

And that would tell any racist and or anti-Muslim or "anti-Jewish" or anti-faith groups propagandists the truth.

And THAT would be the most compelling responsible and competent demonstration of the response to the antidemocratic “thereat” as linked with the “march” “through Tower Hamlets” on or about 03 September 2011.

If not the whole, coherent and unadulterated truth but at least a reasonably representative and tenable truth. As opposed to the anti-democratic, secret-agenda-linked banning powers of the decision-making personnel that collectively and mostly anonymously and unaccountably make up what is called “the State” that is operated in accordance with the agenda of Big Business and the Military Industrial Complex.

[To be continued]

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