Thursday 18 August 2011

CAMERON and IDS breaking Society, degrading the poor and boosting the coffers of the wrongly enriched, Big Biz

Dad who lost job in quake is refused benefits in UK

Ramond Brown


Lonnie Booth, 26, whose parents are English and has lived in England most of his life

A British father who lost his job in New Zealand because of the earthquake is furious after being refused benefits on his return to Cambridge.

Lonnie Booth, 26, who left the UK five years ago, came home in June after working in New Zealand as a security guard.

Mr Booth, of Coolidge Gardens, Cottenham, had moved to Christchurch with his partner, who is also British. She is still in New Zealand with their 3-year-old son Toby, and intends to follow Mr Booth over later. She did not wish to be named.

When Mr Booth went to Cambridge’s Jobcentre Plus in Chesterton Road to apply for jobseeker’s allowance he was refused.

Mr Booth said: “I was working in security in Christchurch but like many other people I lost my job after the earthquake. Some people I knew lost their lives.

“I came home and decided to apply for jobseeker’s allowance and was told I couldn’t get it.

“My parents are English and we’ve lived in the UK for most our lives. It took them a month to make a ‘habitual residence’ decision and they refused it. They said, and I quote: ‘We cannot treat you as habitually resident in the UK at this time.’

“So basically, I’ve lost my British rights somewhat. It is an absolute disgrace that British people are treated like this. I am absolutely furious.

“The Government expects us to find work and has put things like jobseeker’s allowance in place to help individuals like me who are laid off and need some support until we get back on our feet and find employment again.

“I think it’s disgusting how our own Government treats us British like third class citizens in our own country.”

A Department of Works and Pensions spokesman said the habitual residence test was set up to prevent British citizens who may live in a foreign country popping back to Britain and claiming benefits.

He said: “The habitual residence test ensures that income-related benefits are paid to people with reasonably close ties to the United Kingdom and who have an intention to settle here.

“Anyone can appeal a decision and we will look at any new evidence they supply.”

The test is applied to everyone, including British nationals returning to the UK from abroad, who claims income support, jobseeker’s allowance, state pension credit, employment and support allowance, housing benefit and council tax benefit.


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Lee and JS, please try and get the guy's name right, it's LONNIE. And actually being insulting and rude is a bit pathetic really.

17/08/2011 16:20

Stef Barnes

This story really makes me sick,all this man wants to do is come back to his HOME COUNTRY &find a job,but this joke of a government would rather look after refugees & asylun seekers.I agree with Linda Searle who is spot on with her comments.This country would rather give money to foreigners rather than look after british citizens..

17/08/2011 16:17


hundreds of thousand EU being paid having not paid anything in draining the nhs etc, no wonder there is not enough left. Money paid out to people not paying anything in = debt. . . . Hope he gets something in the end

17/08/2011 16:13


Well Mr Booth, if ou are sick of this country and off back to NZ as soon as your visa is through then it is clear that DWP made the corret decision in saying you were not a habitual resident. You can clearly still buy the Daily Hate in NZ if you think illegal immigrants here all live the life of Riley at the taxpayer's expense. Many people on this site have got the story the wrong way round. It is precisely the sort of rules that are stopping Mr Booth claiming that help to stop our benefits system to every Tom, Vladimir or Ahmed who tries to come and claim. If you want to make it easier for Mr Booth you make it easier for everyone else too. Good luck in finding another job in NZ.

17/08/2011 15:44


Loonie, have you come from a war torn country? No, so why don't you head back off to NZ with your family and live off the state there. Your parents paid taxes for them to have the benefits in this country not for you. ps have a shave you look ridiculous, no wonder no one will give you a job!!!

17/08/2011 15:31

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