Friday 22 July 2011

POOREST BOROUGH TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL's VERY RICHLY REWARDED town clerk moves on to quango and, just as Christine Gilbert had done five years earlier

1214 [1140] [1120] Hrs GMT London Friday 22 July 2011

© Muhammad Haque Daily Commentary diagnosing the deficit of democracy and accountability in the allegedly "elections"-linked "local institutions" in Britain: The reported "shift" from one profitable spot to anther by one of the country's most undeservedly overpaid "local Council chief executives:.

"Dr" Kevan Collins... the UNDERCOVER BOSS who backed and colluded with a host of underhand executives doing damage to the Community via their employment and contacts and links in posts in Tower Hamlets Council.

Another overpaid careerist moves back into the QUANGO Land funded with £Millions of money stolen from ordinary people! If Tower Hamlets is one of the "poorest" boroughs, which it is by the experiences of the majority of ordinary people in the borough then it is logical that anyone who claims to be genuinely concerned abut defeating poverty will show by their conduct that they are not themselves irresponsible, insulting or downright offensive in their own greed! Now "Dr" Kevan Collins was reported last night/early this morning [Thursday 21 /Friday 22 July 2011] as "resigned" fro the post of "chief executive" that he has held for the past about two years. His main "achievement" has been the fact that he has featured at the top end of the list of the ones pocketing the highest amounts of money as "local council chiefs".

That list was compiled by a trade union research unit [on which I shall comment in some detail later during the weekend]. The second "achievement" on "Dr" Kevan Collin's part, was his still unaccounted for and mysterious re in the holding of the sham "referendum" allegedly dated 06 May 2010.

It was the alleged “result” of that "referendum" that created the pretext that then got used in the months that followed to foist an undemocratic regime upon the people of the East London borough of Tower Hamlets as opposed to the local Council being made to discharge its long overdue and undelivered duty t the community and to work as the democratic local representative of the ordinary people.

Just as Christine Gilbert had “quit” after causing serious damage to the community and was REWARDED for that damage by being imposed on OFSTED to exacerbate her damage across the “inspected” schools and related institutions, so has “Dr” Kevan Collins been given a comparable Quango spot for him to operate in adding to the discrimination, denial and deprivation apartheid that he helped to entrench against the majority of ordinary people in Tower Hamlets

[To be continued]

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