Friday 3 June 2011

The only sure way to defend the East End community from the CONDEMNABLE CONDEM assaults is by mobilising against the corrupt regime!

0925 [0910] Hrs GMT London Friday 03 June 2011. AADHIKAROnline © Muahmmad Haque Ethical Commentary in the context of CONDEM Cuts and assaults on society. Confirming yet more proof of the corruptocracy that CONDEM Cameron fronts as he affronts society!
This item of news as featured on today’s London DAILY MIRROR frontpage is an appropriate confirmation of our own diagnostic findings on the behaviour of UK MPs and members of the House of Peers! Like MPs and “Peers”, “civil servants” with their hands on the till are a disgrace and expose as sham everything that Gordon Brown used to boast about whenever he opened his twisted bragging line and uttered the dreadfully offensively misleading [in every context imaginable] two words “British vah-loos”!
Are they worthy of being called “civil” servants?
Surely not!”
Yet they are being called that and they will get off as well shows that the only way that communities like the East End can fend off the attacks that the same MPs and the same “civil servants” confect and foist on us will be the mobilised community ourselves.
That mobilisation must happen.

As I have argued all of May 2011 in the updater context of the remembrance of the role played by George Lansbury and the defiant Poplar Councillors in the 1920s, the deadly silence of the “elected” councillors on today’s “Poplar” Council, that is Tower Hamlets Council, could not be more telling as an alarm bell.
That the East End of London is being put up for institutional takeover by Big Business is no longer a secret. Not even by the fakeries of the controlling clique on the remnants of the Borough of Tower Hamlets Council. The adverse consequences to be added to the already dire state of poverty and underachievement on all levels that the ordinary people in the East End have been landed with will get ever worse.
[To be continued]

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