Saturday 11 June 2011

Muhammad Haque London Commentary. How plausible is the Daily Telegraph’s line that “Ed Balls has been the main thug in a "Mafia"?

0905 [0840] Hrs GMT London Saturday 11 June 2011 T The

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary. How plausible is the Daily Telegraph’s line that “Ed Balls has been the main thug in a Gordon Brown mafia project” [called Project Volvo]? In other words, how true is that as a scenario based on the events taking place in “Constituency Labour Parties” [or what used to be CLPs that have been abolished during the Bliar- G Brown assaults on internal Party democracy] these days? I am convinced that playing the denial card will not help the Ed Minimalist Strategy. I am calling it this, not the Daily Telegraph. Nor anyone else. Not even Matthew Norman who has staged yet another “conversion” and is now [as on the Daily Telegraph web site this morning Saturday 11 June 2011] appearing increasingly like a careerist media messiah as he joins in the assault on the Labour Party and revises his own role and biography in the course of his fantastic contribution to the game that is about making Ed Balls a suitable target to be rhetorically burned in effigy by assembled Tory and Rightwing Reactionaries across the shire counties and in the expenses-covered “tea parties in Conservative Constituency settlements” this weekend. The immediate task facing the Minimalist Strategy players is the boring old reality. Can they face reality and can they deal with it with integrity and looking as genuine as they should do by the standards that arise from the demands of democratic accountability. Can the Eds appeal to the universal urges for participation that is out there in enough quantity waiting for the genuine truthful honest Political Realists to appear and demand it? Can the two Eds escape the strangleholds that the corrupt elements in the “traditional" [in the sense of “as the records show”, as opposed to “as their morality and ethical pronouncements suggest”] Labour party bureaucracy have had on “the leadership”? Is it too soon to demand that the Ed Minimalist get out of the straitjacket of careerist tribalism and start to address all the problems, denials, deprivations, needs that ordinary pro-democracy Labour party members as well as ordinary pro-democracy voters and members of the non-voting public want actually addressed? Can the Minimalist do something really new and show that the “new generation” [what is he talking about, Ed Miliband in his ludicrous differentiation between Blair- Brown and his own “leadership” “generations”?] about the state of the Parties and the state of the sinking society in Britain today?

Can Ed Minimalist show that he is not another liar, another faker and another fabricator? Has he now understood how stupid some of his initial utterances and gestures were? That he has to SHOW on the facts that he represents the OPPOSITE to CONDEM? Not only in relation to the rate and the speed of cuts but in relation to the entire collection of budgetary fraud [I am calling it fiscal fraud as well] and deception and about the unaccountable forces that keep setting the agenda of all major Parties in this country?

[More shortly]

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