Saturday 25 June 2011

THE AADHIKAR ONLINE ESSAY on the sick state of the NHS in Tower Hamlets, widely described as "the poorest borough"

0300 Hrs GMT
25 June 2011
THE AADHIKAR ONLINE ESSAY on the sick state of the NHS in Tower Hamlets, widely described as "the poorest borough".
The sickness of the NHS makes the poverty lethally overwhelming against a safe future for the community in the ordinary East End.
Part 1.
That in Tower Hamlets exist probably the densest incidents of negligence, callousness and disrespect to members of the ordinary public by the "service providers" may at first read like an extraordinary statement to make. Any visitor to the London hospital, renamed "The Royal" as to frighten sense out of your "vulnerable" constitution, will know just how real and truthful the observation is.
How accurate it has been for years. Dating back to well before the tie when they renamed the London Hospital and began to perfect the practice of parading a fiction to make the already perilous prejudiced state of care to the community even worse.

[To be continued]

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