Thursday 19 May 2011

Seelotee-speaking Bangladeshis in western countries are treated as SOURCE of 'Dollar' remittance! That is all! [1]

0610 [0445] [0435]
[0340] Hrs GMT
19 May 2011.
This is about a very short clip taken externally from Channel 814 on the UK satellite facilitator from a broadcast accessed at 0005 to 0030 Hrs GMT today Thursday 19 May 2011.
The content of the scripted ‘news’ refers to Seelot and the Seelotee speaking people in [mainly] western countries. The line is about the money expressed in USA dollars, that is remitted to “Bangladesh” by the Seelotee people.
The item is typical illustration of the disconnect between the necessary components that actually make up a “society” and the [supposed and the claimed -a s claimed by these petty operators of the “news” agenda that is retailed via these petty operators by the real setters of the agenda who have conspired, plotted and contrived so far to remain hidden from obvious observation. they are NOT hidden.
As these commentaries will itemise and detail and reveal in the forthcoming updates and examinations] servants or service-provers in the name/s of the communities concerned. In the actual targeted audience which is again Seelotee speaking[as localised in the alienating ‘visual narratives’], the rest of the “news theme” is not about the life of the same people in the same very pressurised, depressed and embattled locations in the ‘same’ western countries. This factual and reality-devoid disconnect has been deliberately created by the alienating agenda that has been foisted on and followed via the so-called “community” channels of which channel 814 is and has been since its de facto operational commencement in 2006 the more pronounced type and illustration. On the ground in the parts of the UK and the USA [and for that matter of Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands] where the Seelotee speaking people as a community exists, their day to day, main tropics or concerns or their “thinking” is not supported by any of those channels or their programmes. In fact the “thinking” is stultified, silenced to daily distortion, diversion and disorientation. Every single day, the outlets broadcast items that are at odds with each other [on sheer mundane facts] but even more seriously they are at odds with the realities of the struggles that individual Seelotee speaking “immigrants” [more on that concept in later parts of these COMMENTARIES] have to endure in these societies. Instead of being supported, they are treated as SOURCES OF FOREIGN CURRENCY IN THE MAIN, as is shown in this video clip recorded manually with an external device off the Channel 814 on SKY.Com.
[To be continued]

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