Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Daily © Muhammad Haque London Communities Commentary: Westminster City Council [2]

1008 [0945] [0930]
[0925] Hrs GMT
11 May 2011.
The daily © Muhammad Haque London Communities Commentary.
KHOODEELAAR! TOLD Westminster City Council so for years! As we have told other London councils over the same period. That spinning, faking and lying won’t do. Now that they are faking about housing and pretending to have some sort of ‘sympathy’ with the people in low income housing I am reminding them of the basic evidential diagnosis that we have made of their policies and their practices over the past DECADES. We say to Westminster City Council generally and their current fronter [Housing committee chair] Phillipa Roe in particular that in staging their ‘rent’ stunt this week they are forgetting that their looting of the low paid and the nopaid is still hurting more people than they will ever admit. THAT should be addressed. That is, Westminster must stop robbing the poor. And that is the very basic that they should do, for a start. Then they must get down to delivering the services that they have been denying the low income families and persons for years. No, for generations in Westminster City Council areas. [To be continued]

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