Tuesday 3 May 2011

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque “World Press Freedom Day” Commentary. [1]

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque “World Press Freedom Day” Commentary.
1435 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 03 May 2011.
Truth telling is impossible without journalists telling the truth.
Most of the world’s - and the localities’- injustices would be worse without some sort of journalistic intervention that is broadly equivalent to a check on those excesses and the latent propensities for worse if the real motive sans mental makeup of the given power holder or the power seeker is examined on their conduct and their complicit parts.

But WHICH category or COLOUR of Journalist is this WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY supposed to protect, respect, honour, recognise and reward with the security that the plugs all day have been calling for?

How warmongering, environmental pollution, big biz crimes and concerted attempts at maintaining authoritarian regimes in the West and in the rest of the world?

What are the relationships and the comparisons between the UK ‘local press’ and the ‘Fleet Street’ titles? Does Anna Wintour get the same access as say any other Anna who too is on the staff of a ‘news’ organisation?

How many Asian journalist are EVER heard of in the West as per routine?

How many Asian news media corporations in fact are voluntarily servile to the Western media outfits e.g. the Big ones that operate from the USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada and Australia?

How many journalists have quit what Western media conglomerates and Corporations [typified by the BBC] as proof of their [those journalists’] rejection of the wrongful agenda of the employer corporate

on and or conglomerate or Big business? [To be continued]

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