Tuesday 12 April 2011

UPDATING George Orwell from the East End of London: Recognising Kay Jordan and diagnosing Ken Livingstone

UPDATING George Orwell from the East End of London: Recognising Kay Jordan and diagnosing Ken Livingstone

0835 [0815] [0800] [0750] [0740] Hrs GMT London Tuesday 12 April 2011. AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad haque London Commentary.

One of the things that Kay Jordan in the past 30 years in the East End of London has done is to keep her projects going DESPITE the fact that they merited support by the likes of the “Greater London Council” [the GLC]. But they never got the GLC’s support.
Why? The reason is that Kay Jordan would not accept the corrupt terms and she would not go along with the institutional lying and fraud.
Instead of going along with the institutional corruption, Kay Jordan devoted her best to creating the resources that her projects needed. Evidentially, the vast majority of the people who have been benefiting personally and collectively from Kay Jordan’s work would not even know the details of just how special she has been in standing up not just for them but for values of honesty and compassion. In contrast wit Kay Jordans’ work, the local bureaucracies, maintained at high costs to ‘the public’ both in the local Tower Hamlets Council and via that Council’s linked sub-bureacracies and cabals, have operated petty enterprises of their own. This is why there is such deprivation in Tower Hamlets. The ones that are put in place to [on paper] eradicate deprivation are in most cases THE DEPRIVES themselves.
Locally, they are the ones who injure the most. They are the ones who deprive the most. It is some of THESE that have featured as fellow cheer leaders for the propaganda for an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets with Ken Livingstone playing the part of the lead trumpeter and the lead vocalist all at one and the same time. In his spiel on Saturday 6 February 2010, as published on the same day in a package carried on an ethnicty-linked outfit on Sky.com, Ken Livingstone claimed that a directly elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets would get rid of the back room deals and squabbles. What he meant was that the corruption that had so dominated the Tower Hamlets Council;s actual power abuses would vanish with the election of one individual with the powers of 50 plus different councillors. It was noted that Livingstone did not state any evidence for his claim. He didn’t have to. He was surrounded by visually gasping supporters who could not wait for there to be a single individual with the powers of so many!
We next visit Commercial Road London E1 to show just how wrong Ken Livingstone was and remains. We trace some of the starvation that people are undergoing in Tower Hamlets today to Ken Livingstone’s personal ambitions and his failure to face up to the fact that corruption has been a key causer of poverty and hunger in the inner cities. And that he has persistently allowed some fo the most lethally corrupt careerists to get into jobs and positions by endorsing them so casually and so often
[To be continued]

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