Saturday 9 April 2011

Time for the London Guardian to come clean and stop being a stooge of Big Biz MIC agenda operators

Time for the London Guardian to come clean and stop being a stooge of Big Biz MIC agenda operators

2100 [205 [2050] [2040] Hrs GMT
09 April 2011.
By AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary
The Guardian web site carries a piece saying that a former cabinet minister in Gordon Brown’s administration [so far refusing to be named or refusing to identify themselves in the Guardian piece published online in the past hour] is ‘revealing’ that Rupert Murdoch had tried to get Gordon Brown to ‘halt’ the various investigations into the News of the World and other Murdoch media abuses and invasions into peoples’ privacy. The Guardian is taking a typically over-the-top [almost’ morally high ground claiming almost all credit for the alleged ‘confessions’ by Murdoch so far. The GUARDIAN’s conduct as verifiable by reference to its own publishing records, however, do not support this. Why? Because the Guardian, as AADHIKAROnline has chronicled over the past many years, has been as servile to the corrupt agenda operated by MIC in the UK as any other ‘Fleet Street’ organ. Crossrail is the prime example, as we have been exposing the peddlers of it since we began our exhaustive and consistently vindicated diagnostics [which we have been publishing online since in July 2004].[To be continued]

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