Saturday 2 April 2011

Servility of the mind is many times worse than enforced servility of the body! Liberate them now!

Servility of the mind is many times worse than enforced servility of the body! Liberate them now!

1440 Hrs GMT
02 April 2011

. Editor © Muhammad Haque.
You could not make it up! Over-shielded ethnic surrogate regales overrated racist with his rendition [!] of anti-Muslim racism as he peddles pernicious propaganda. David Lammy was the one who mounted the evening’s obligatory [as the agenda setters wished] attack on Muslims. Although the Daily Mail's Ann Leslie appeared delighted by this, it was she who in fact made an accurate statement about two of the words that the ignorant Lammy was stooged to be guided by. Leslie said that the so called honour killing had NOTHING TO DO with Islam. Which is absolutely true. So how come that the over-promoted ethnicity careerist david Lammy had not heard that one before? Had Lammy been so convincing as an idiot that the idiocy served as a mark of intellectual achievement on his part and on that basis he got given a ‘ministerial’ slot in the last Bliared regime? HOW do they do this in the Bliared Party bureaucracy? What do they do to ’ethnicity-linked’ ‘MPs’ who turn out to be parrots of poisonous priopabganad as soon as they are confiemd ‘eleceted’?

[To be continued]
[To be continued]

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