Saturday 16 April 2011

Is the Polly Toynbee-ed Guardian aiding starvation-causer Cameron in his contemptuous assaults?

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary.

1115 [1100] [1030] Hrs GMT
Sunday 17 April 2011

Is the Polly Toynbee-ed Guardian aiding starvation-causer Cameron in his contemptuous assaults?

This question arises from the behaviour of the Guardian which has suddenly stopped publishing the reports on how the UK Department for Want and Poverty [=DWP] has been FORCING people to go without thus forcing millions to stay below the poverty line and publishing many others into undergoing hunger and starvation...
The SUNDAY TELEGRAPH’s front page piece about the “Catholic Church” [London] expressing concern about Society is not anywhere near the truth of what is going on. That clerical concern is not addressing the truth either.
NOT in a way that the urgency of the experiences of the starving million s warrants
I shall be examining that lack of truth telling in a later part of today's diagnostic commentary.
Does David Cameron know what he is talking about?
I am of course referring to his short utterance made to the Sky TV programme as fronted by Dermot Murnaghan shortly after 0900 Hrs GMT today.
If Cameron knew what he uttered, he would not have uttered it!
Or, to put it differently, Cameron would have known the disgrace that he was associating himself with had he the morality and the sense to recognise what he has been confessing to!
I am talking about Cameron’s casual utterance delivered in a complacent style that he knew that it was hard for families who were affected by the cuts that he was having to make!
When Cameron uses that word “families”, he does not mean families in the context of the famine that is sweeping across the inner cities. He knows that the famine, the hunger and the starvation that he has continued to cause by maintaining the Big Business agenda assault on the involuntarily impoverished since assuming the post at that address, No 10 Downing Street, just 11 months ago, are not the topics that either SKY TV or the BBC let alone the journalistically fast vanishing ITV are focussed on.
So he can treat those in famine, hunger and starvation with the same contempt that these “mainstream” broadcasting media have been showing despite mounting and undeniable evidence that millions of people in the UK are existing below the poverty line, below the bread line. The CONDEM cuts that Cameron flaunts and fronts are making the lives of those millions that much harder, their hardship and their distress that much deeper. How is it [has it been so far] that the “mainstream media” are in denial about this?
The Guardian, which between 01 April 2011 and 12 April 2011 published a number of pieces online showing the forced removal by the UK DWP [=The Department for Want and Poverty] of benefit claimants from the lists, suddenly stopped publishing. this can only have happened because the Guardian's editorial controllers decided to stop the disclosures and the reporting.
that they would have done so under some pressure from somewhere that they followed or were beholden to is not in doubt.
Was it CONDEM Cameron himself who [has] had a “quiet word” with one of his pre-poll [06 may 2010] fans, Polly Toynbee, the “known influence” behind Alan Rusbridger at the Guardian?

[To be continued]

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