Tuesday 19 April 2011

Muhammad Haque London Commentary on the callousness at the centre of Cameron’s and Clegg’s Condem collusion.

1435 [1425] [1410] Hrs GMT
Tuesday 19 April 2011.

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary on the callousness at the centre of Cameron’s and Clegg’s Condem collusion.
How dare David Cameron have even uttered in a fake way any words that remotely suggested that he even knew where society was, let alone to justify any pretence that he ‘cared’ for whatever society was?
Had Cameron met Society, he would not have uttered those irresponsible words. But then how could he get anywhere near meeting society which is so far way from where he inhabits?
Cameron has to come to planet Earth and make his way carefully and humbly before he reaches society in the UK. But he has got to start fast. If he seriously wishes to learn where society is, which way it is heading and what he has to do to support society very quickly, there will be at least a few people in Society who will be bale to help him.
Except that he must not look for guidance from the Official Opposition in the British [democracy-shorn and Big Biz-stooged] of Commons on this. Looking at the latest rendering [Tuesday 19 April 2011 witnessed via the BBC News Channel and assorted other 'rivals' to the Corporation] of the script that Ed Miliband has performed today, it is not looking very reassuring as a ‘guide’, is it? Cameron needs to head instead to and for ordinary communities, unshielded by his Big Biz agenda-operating operatives, eyes, years and other such details. He has got to shred the script and show that he has the courage and the honesty to face some real people. If he can do that then we have a possible beginning there for the urgent needs that Society has today. For everyone's future. Staring with the short term future of Cameron himself in that office in that Street in London SW1.
Before he can do that, Cameron has got to understand that he cannot expect to be taken at all at face value unless he public renounces the agenda of attacking people’s homes, attacking people's’ income, attacking peoples’ most treasured shelters, resources and supports. To make a beginning there, Cameron has got to end forthwith his aping of Thatcher and Bliar.
He has to call a halt to his war mongering adventures that are SINKING the UK PUBLIC into disastrous additional debts and liabilities.
Cameron needs to drop the spin, the leis and the fabrications that he has uttered thus far on housing, on welfare, on health and on education.
This is far more challenging than indulging the thuggish temptations for warmongering! [To be continued]

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