Saturday 16 April 2011

London Guardian newspaper web site Saturday 16 April 2011: EAST END Democracy and accountability Campaign BHANGEELAAR! commentary.....

QUOTING The BHANGEELAAR! Campaign writing on the Guardian web site published in the past 10 minutes [Saturday 16 April 2011]

Your detailed piece makes quite interesting read. However it contains no reference to poverty, hunger, famine or starvation. Nor to democratic audit or accountability by the sustainability "elected" London Assembly.
Given that you recognise the fact that the post holder is gathering increasing powers, how are the millions of ordinary people affected by such a powerful post-holder, to get any accountability?
In light of the Guardian's own excellent series of reports [01 April to 12 April 2011] on the targeting of benefit claimants by the Iain Duncan Smith-fronted Department for Want and Poverty [=DWP], what IF ANYTHING has been the democratic intervention and role by the elected forum in the name of the electors of London in drawing democratic attention to the outrage that has been being operated against the universal rights of so many London people who are evidentially, factually and legally entitled to support, benefit and respect?
If Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone can make 'world-stage' comments about any aspect of violations of the rights of people in other countries, is it too much to see either or both pay and be seen to be paying due, real and productive attention to the rights of so many people in and of London on a sustained level NOW?

UNQUOTING The BHANGEELAAR! Campaign writing on the Guardian web site published in the past 10 minutes [Saturday 16 April 2011]

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