Tuesday 5 April 2011

Kay Jordan has carried a case load for the community for thirty years. In fact for more than 30 years.

2140 [2130] [2125] Hrs GMT


05 April 2011

Editor © Muhammad Haque

Kay Jordan has carried a case load for the community for thirty years. In fact for more than 30 years. With the passage of each day, Kay’s caseload for the Community got bigger. I have known of that case load for more than 23 years. The number of years is not important to me in this context. Whatever the number of years, the principles that I share with Kay make the number peripheral. What is meaningful and what must be shared is the universality of Kay Jordan’s care for the other people. People that she has had no need personally to care for or care about. Yet she has been showing that care for so long that it must be shared with other people. In this updater, I shall highlight some of that case load. Then I shall delve deeper into the details. The most important item has been the campaign to stop[ the Crossrail hole assault. I have already published in the past three months some,e of the crucial contributions Kay has made in the campaign to stop the Crossrail hole. In the next parts I shall share some more insights into Kay Jordan the conscientious community defender. [To be continued]

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