Saturday 9 April 2011

How the oversized ego of BBC Breakfast presenter Kate got in the way of viewers right to a rigourous news morning about Rupert Murdoch!

1110 [1050] [1040] [1035] Hrs GMT
09 April 2011.
AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary. Instead of being focussed on the rare admission by Rupert Murdoch made during Friday that he has been - in an universally objective and purely moral and ethical sense in context - the key corrupter of morals for decades in Britain by his acquisition and control of the SUN and the allied titles and outlets, viewers of the BBC Breakfast TV programme this morning were often distracted by the antics of Kate Silversone. Not only was she behaving in the aggressive way - at one point gesturing that looked as if she was almost touching the BBC sports presenter of the hour- reminiscent of her years of over-publicised singledom, she was also as abrasive and as ignorant as ever she had been when she was being mounted before the viewers of the Nation via Channel 5 and its ‘Wright [Wrong!] Stuff ‘slot. She thus caused the commentary to be directed instead to a diagnostic
measurement of her ego on a Saturday morning!
Almost as big as Rupert Murdoch's!
Which is a pity. It is also a telling indictment of the BBC which has failed to pursue with anything like the vigour required the literally HUNDREDS if not thousands of still valid and still active and still overdue [for investigation] allegations of corruption by Rupert Murdoch and his ***ews International.
The BBC is hampered by lack of a consistent and high and manifest moral code and it is made even more handicapped by the employment of the likes of Kate Silversone and Emily Maitlis and jane Hill, to name only three of at least one hundred ‘BBC presenters and or executives’ who have been abusing the GENDER AGENDA for self-promotion and in effect to undermine the BBC’s duty to provide the standard and the rigour of news and factual service that it is there to provide. These three are seen to muscle their way in front of the main BBC camera crew whenever there is a hot ‘breaking’ news story unfolding. In so doing - and what is worse, in being allowed to do so - they are breaking the BBC’s real foundation. [To be continued]

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