Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Guardian has published serious allegations in effect accusing UK Central Govt of starving people in Britain...

2110 [1605]
[1550] Hrs GMT
Wednesday 13 April 2011:
AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary.
The UK central Government Department for Want and Poverty [=DWP] has been the subject of a series of pieces in the Guardian the past 12 days. Starting on 01 April 2011, the Guardian has published serious allegations of unlawful conduct by the DWP which has been accused of running a policy of implementing criminal conduct by DWP employees who are engaged in starvation creation. Starvation, hunger and famine have not been openly associated with “British society” for a while. Yet these scourges have been present in the country always. The Guardian’s reports - and a lone Editorial Guardian ‘Collective’ comment decrying the DWP’s behaviour - constitute a rare event in that no other ‘mainstream’ British media organ or outlet has published anything like the Guardian’s factual series cataloguing the multiplicity of criminal behaviour by the DWP personnel who have been actively robbing claimants of their lawful benefits. Yet the Guardian itself is being timid in the extreme. It should have investigated the DWP itself rather than just stopping at the retail point of covering the targeted looting of benefits. The real culprits are the DWP’s entitlements who have gotten hold of the nearly £150 Billion budget and they are now embarked on the moist ferocious scam ever seen in the ‘welfare state’ whereby they are frustrating into the kind of heists that had been perpetuated by the bankers in the past three years. The fact that the Guardian has ITS own business reasons why it has stopped the series too soon, the UK public is not obliged to follow the Guardian and shut its eyes to the biggest robbery that is being committed against any section of the public anywhere in any of the Western countries, so far as is known to me at the time of writing. [To be continued]

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