Thursday 28 April 2011

From petitioning the Council "against Brick Lane touting" to touting for notoriety & apologising from Wales: Update on CONDEM Candidate Matt Smith-1

1615 Hrs GMT London Thursday 28 April 2011. Editor © Muhammad Haque.

Brick Lane London E1 area "Tory activist" surfaces in Wales and is reprimanded for last year attacking the Respect Party in Tower Hamlets.

The news item is carried by the BBC and of course by the regional online and related media outlets in Wales this afternoon

This little incident does not rank as a world-level event whose impact should include the bringing down of the UK CONDEM ‘Foreign Minister’ William Hague and his empire of cards as they continue to look ridiculously unsteady across the huge north African and Middle Eastern horizons.
Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, to name only a few of the many locations that the current CONDEM Collusion as fronted by Matt Smith’s ‘leader’ David Cameron has been busily engaging in ‘business’ in in the name of the ‘citizens’ [are there really legal ‘citizens’ in the UK? On a day of all days, the ‘eve of’ the ‘Royal Wedding’ [29 April 2011], surely there are only ‘subjects’!] of the UK!
The most persistent theme being flaunted on top of everything else as the ‘reason’ for the UK’s military and related involvements in the North African and Middl Eastern countries listed above, is the alleged - nay, the ASSERTED, ‘moral impulsion’ as IN EFFECT touted by the likes of Mr William Hague, the Foreign Minister! That the Dave Cameron CONDEM is “morally outraged “at the violations of so many innocent civilians’ rights.. in Libya that it [the Dave Cameron CONDEM] is left with no options but to do the business in Libya for which the Empire flag carriers are known for......However deserving the CONDEM Collusion may be for disintegration, the antics of the minor CONDEM backing Matt Smith as exposed in this incident do not constitute anything remotely relevant to politics.
This irrelevance of Matt Smith to UK politics may be his own version of ‘reality’. That fantasy as reality was on display at the start of this year. In February 2011,, Matt Smith flaunted a persona that very nearly suggested that he was not only physically present in inner city East End of London but that he was quite democratically and constitutionally exercised about the state of societal standards and values here. He materialised as a petitioner and appeared formally in the notional Town Hall inside the Mulberry Place [ a month before that building was treated as a Stockade by the allegedly non-CONDEM Council carrying out CONDEMN cuts! by barring MOST potential opponents to the CUTS BUDGET dated 8 March 2011] at 5 Clove Crescent London E14 2BG and almost succeeded in coming across as a genuine opponent of Curry Restaurants-linked touting that raged in Brick Lane and outraged the ‘local residents’ according to his presentation.
So where HAS MATT SMITH been in the months since he staged that wee stunt at the Town hall dated 2 february 2011? Has he been ‘continuing’ the contacts [he boasted of as he stood before the full Council on 2 February 2011] with the other local residents as well as the 'local businesses’ and has he returned to the Tower Hamlets Council and updated that body on his achievements? Has he, incidentally, noticed any local activities by any volunteering and campaigning organisation engaged in really brining an edn to the touting nuisance and scandal?
As far as we can ascertain, Matt Smith has been VERY quiet on all these fronts.
And we have to ‘thank’ the BBC and the Welsh regional news outfits for bring a semblance of an explanation as to why!
< Matt Smith has been getting his arms every so gently twisted by the Party High Command which in turn had come under calls to apologise! For some untoward businesses that Matt Smith himself has been engaged in! Touting notoriety! [pTo be continued]

1615 Hrs GMT London Thursday 28 April 2011. Editor © Muhammad Haque.

Brick Lane London E1 area "Tory activist" surfaces in Wales and is reprimanded for last year attacking the Respect Party in Tower Hamlets.

The news item is carried by the BBC and of course by the regional online and related media outlets in Wales this afternoon

This little incident does not rank as a world-level event whose impact should include the bringing down of the UK CONDEM ‘Foreign Minister’ William Hague and his empire of cards as they continue to look ridiculously unsteady across the huge north African and Middle Eastern horizons.
Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, to name only a few of the many locations that the current CONDEM Collusion as fronted by Matt Smith’s ‘leader’ David Cameron has been busily engaging in ‘business’ in in the name of the ‘citizens’ [are there really legal ‘citizens’ in the UK? On a day of all days, the ‘eve of’ the ‘Royal Wedding’ [29 April 2011], surely there are only ‘subjects’!] of the UK!
The most persistent theme being flaunted on top of everything else as the ‘reason’ for the UK’s military and related involvements in the North African and Middl Eastern countries listed above, is the alleged - nay, the ASSERTED, ‘moral impulsion’ as IN EFFECT touted by the likes of Mr William Hague, the Foreign Minister! That the Dave Cameron CONDEM is “morally outraged “at the violations of so many innocent civilians’ rights.. in Libya that it [the Dave Cameron CONDEM] is left with no options but to do the business in Libya for which the Empire flag carriers are known for......However deserving the CONDEM Collusion may be for disintegration, the antics of the minor CONDEM backing Matt Smith as exposed in this incident do not constitute anything remotely relevant to politics.
This irrelevance of Matt Smith to UK politics may be his own version of ‘reality’. That fantasy as reality was on display at the start of this year. In February 2011,, Matt Smith flaunted a persona that very nearly suggested that he was not only physically present in inner city East End of London but that he was quite democratically and constitutionally exercised about the state of societal standards and values here. He materialised as a petitioner and appeared formally in the notional Town Hall inside the Mulberry Place [ a month before that building was treated as a Stockade by the allegedly non-CONDEM Council carrying out CONDEMN cuts! by barring MOST potential opponents to the CUTS BUDGET dated 8 March 2011] at 5 Clove Crescent London E14 2BG and almost succeeded in coming across as a genuine opponent of Curry Restaurants-linked touting that raged in Brick Lane and outraged the ‘local residents’ according to his presentation.
So where HAS MATT SMITH been in the months since he staged that wee stunt at the Town hall dated 2 february 2011? Has he been ‘continuing’ the contacts [he boasted of as he stood before the full Council on 2 February 2011] with the other local residents as well as the 'local businesses’ and has he returned to the Tower Hamlets Council and updated that body on his achievements? Has he, incidentally, noticed any local activities by any volunteering and campaigning organisation engaged in really brining an edn to the touting nuisance and scandal?
As far as we can ascertain, Matt Smith has been VERY quiet on all these fronts.
And we have to ‘thank’ the BBC and the Welsh regional news outfits for bring a semblance of an explanation as to why!
< Matt Smith has been getting his arms every so gently twisted by the Party High Command which in turn had come under calls to apologise! For some untoward businesses that Matt Smith himself has been engaged in! Touting notoriety! [pTo be continued]

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