Sunday 3 April 2011

CORRUPT CLIQUES on London Councils are letting down communities. These cliques are not democratically audited, held to account. UPDATING re Haringey

© MUHAMMAD HAQUE London Commentary
1815 Hrs GMT Sunday 03 April 2011
It is exactly a year since I wrote about Sharon Shoesmith, the Guardian, ed Balls and Christine Gilbert and OFSTED. A year on, things have not quietened down at all. Not on the Sharon Shoesmith's front. She is still defiant. She is still brazen. And nobody is really held to account for the cruelty that the controlling clique on Haringey Council showed to the infant Baby P [since named as Peter Conolly] [and to countless others who no doubt are still being let down in one way or another by the same claque and by their likes on other councils across England]
The London EVENING STANDARD web site item is headlined “Sacked Baby P boss's legal war could cost the taxpayer £3.5m”. That says it all. All over again that is. That London Haringey Council’s corrupt controlling clique-member [‘sacked’ by a Secretary of State UNDER PUBLIC PRESSURE, NOT by the corrupt clique in ‘control’ of that Council that Shoesmith was a part of] Sharon Shoesmith is as blatant in April 2011 as she had been in that fateful period that saw Haringey Council social services neglect another helpless innocent child... Shoesmith’s public utterance of cruelly delivered callousness when asked about the responsibility of those who had betrayed the poor child Baby P will remain a few seconds of unforgettable evidence of bureaucratic cold-heartedness. Those who had thought that Ed Balls’ sacking of Shoesmith, which he was FORCED to make under pressure from the public, would be allowed to remain unchallenged will be thinking: what else can the 'poor public' do to hold someone to account for what hap;paned to the poor infant? For Sharon Shoesmith is not only unrepentant about all of it, she is defiantly embarked on costing the ordinary public a few more £millions. In legal costs. If this is another comment on Shoesmith's own brazenness, it is ALSO a bigger condemnation of the UK legal aid and legal trade system. It is even MORE CORRUPT than the most corrupt local Council! [To be continued]

MUHAMMAD HAQUE London Commentary on Friday 02 April 2010 said: [Quote]
2355 Hrs GMT London Friday 02 April 2010.
Editor © Muhammad Haque. The London Guardian is running stories giving Ed Balls' side of the controversial decision...
It is too early to conclude if the Balls denials will stand. In fact released documents point the opposite way. Which is where KHOODEELAAR! ‘renews’ encounter with the Guardian, OFSTED and Christine Gilbert.
As Khoodeelaar! said in December 2005, Tony Blair had himself acted dishonestly, ignorantly and corruptly in awarding Christine Gilbert a CBE whilst she was still in post in London E14 2BG as a mere town clerk. If the hype about these honours, such as a CBE, is to be believed then Gilbert should have demonstrated evidence in her career of doing something truly remarkable, out of the ordinary and good. There is nothing in her known record to suggest so. In fact Gilbert had done nothing to deserve being officially decorated with a CBE.
So we say again, on 02 April 2010 that every single one of the peddlers of the Big Business agenda CrossRail scam [in context] has been exposed as being involved in lying. In one way or another. We say so here in light of the disclosures of OFSTED’s role under Christine Gilbert as its boss in covering up parts of the evidence and hyping up other parts. In other words.
In planned lying.
That is a serious criminal offence, even in the Blaired state of the UK. With such evidence of lying and criminality being firmly fixed on these individuals, Khoodeelaar! ethically observes: We told you so! Could not trust any of the liars to be telling the truth of the devastating effects of b the ‘MIC’ Big Biz Crossrail agenda.
[To be continued]

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