Friday 15 April 2011

CONDEM Dave's unsightly grab for the ugliest parts of the anti-social elements in 'British politics' exposes Dave's own true identity: Dave is Shallow

0910 [0900] Hrs GMT
15 April 2011.
Editor © Muhammad Haque.
AGENDA of today’s AADHIKARonline reporting
AADHIKAR means RIGHTS. Universal rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of human rights.
And the right to tell the truth to and about society. This is most urgent,y needed in the inner cities today. Tower Hamlets still leads as the top area for multiple denial and deprivation. On all levels and on all fronts. So how is this fact being reflected in the ‘mainstream’ media? Short answer is NOT noticeably at all. Not at all adequately. Hence the need for the AADHIKAR rights campaigning reporting.
Today’s and this week’s main social theme is of course the economic attacks on the community by the CONDEM regime that is implementing the poverty-creation polices via the local agencies situated in Tower Hamlets area. Nowhere is this more profound and devastating than in the behaviour of those employees and decision-makers who are actually sited inside the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council. So is there any evidence in the “main” media of this going on? Not really. In fact there is the opposite ‘journalism’, puff, spin and propaganda being carried in the “mainstream”.
Our journalism includes not only the conduct of the state, locally and centrally in the UK , as far as that affects the lives and the rights of the people. AADHIKARonline Media investigative focus also includes the role [and the underlying agenda and objects] of and by the servile media. This is what defines the campaigning journalism that we have been advocating and conducting fort the past decades. Campaigning journalism for a dignified community in and with the East End of London. Kay Jordan has been a staunch member of that campaign for the human rights and for the dignity of the most diverse collection of people present in the East End of London, as witnessed in her active participation in the KHOODEELAAR! campaign in defence of the East End of London and against the Crossrail BIG BUSINESS agenda hole plot on the Brick lane London E1 area.
Today’s agenda [Friday 15 April 2011] of our campaigning reporting is centred on the latest exhibition of the CONDEM Dave’s desperate bid to cling on to the CONDEM Collusion and thereby to power. The ‘power’ that Dave has been as grossly callous in abusing as his most recent role model Tony Bliar...
We examine the DAILY MAIL's bizarre endorsement in the past 24 hours of desperate Dave’s LATEST condemnable con trick against society, against civilisation, against legality, morality, liberty and human integrity as alarmingly seen in his unsightly grab for the most intimate tools for misguiding the public available to the two Nicks thus sullying the good name [!!!!????] of the pro-democracy movements [!!!!!!!!] in Britain today...
[To be continued]

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