Thursday 7 April 2011

British House of Commons speaker's wife shares Murdoch-ed-SKY news sofa with arch war monger Ian Dale and happily goes along as they hide dire truths

British House of Commons speaker's wife shares Murdoch-ed-SKY news sofa with arch war monger Ian Dale and happily goes along as they hide dire truths

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary
2330 [2325] [2305] GMT
06 April 2011.
Rupert Murdoch-influenced hosted the so-called Labour Party activist Sally Bercow who appeared under the excuse of newspaper reviewer on the Skynews sofa which Sally shared with arch Right-wing propagandist and warmonger Ian Dale.
Dale is so brazen in his imperially hateful ideology that he even condemned Jemima Khan and gave as reason Ms Khan’s support for the Wikilist fronter Julian Assange! [ ] [over Assange’s current contest with the UK, USA and Swedish states continuing their pursuit of him].
The spectrum did not include any recognition of the world outside of the European continent!
The characters, the sources, the authoritative components of the SKY NEWS sofa were all made up of ‘the same unreal, fantasy elements.
Such is their utterly empty outlook that neither the SKY news presenter nor her ‘guests’ Sally and Ian came across as being from planet Earth. Not even when they were confronted with the front-page two line heading on Thursday's early edition of the Murdoch-controlled Times newspaper running an unusual story about ‘non-white’ catering workers on a sea side town running grooming programmes enticing mainly white girls [= in effect children] into prostitution..
.[To be continued]

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