Wednesday 6 April 2011

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary on Society deserving different and better than Clegg and Cameron

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary on tabloid press & TV confirming UK Nick Clegg coming unstuck again.

AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary on Society deserving different and better than Clegg and Cameron

0815 [0750] [0740] [0710] [0650] Hrs GMT London Wednesday 06 April 2011.
AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary on the operation of the political agenda via the ITV Breakfast [an AADHIKARonline coinage follows] soapy sofa as fronted by the deceptively accessible faces typified in this clip I am diagnosing this morning.
The contents are broadcast under a safe ITV agenda. It is a solidly status quo agenda and it carries no evidence of any intent to audit the ones in power.
The clip also contains the predictable references to Nick Clegg having again come unstuck. But the ITV 'experts', Sue and Cordelia fail to show the contents of their own brains. They play it safe by relying on the tabloid papers' own in-house little tricks and biases. This is not good enough. Society, or what is left of it, deserves the likes of Sue and Cordelia to justify their own positions by talking substance when they are presented to the public as being worthy of our ‘watching’ them. Do THEY know of any real parental links?
How ARE the British broadcasting hierarchies created and maintained? How are they Graded [Oops! a name was intentionally dropped here]? What is MORE to the point, what sort of LINKS actually determine the contents of the ITV and the BBC and the SKY agenda?
How are the guests a who appear as s talking heads selected?
And a host of similar questions and issues.
It would be incredible if either Sue or Cordelia got where they are today without SOME sort of help similar In KIND [not in volume perhaps] to the double-measured one to which calamity Clegg admitted during his feigned frankness during Tuesday 05 April 2011.
In the East End of London, the sort of links and word of mouth privilege that Clegg has now confessed to will be scarcely unheard of. What IS heard of and is on the increase, in some SIGNIFICANT part of the population in the borough is the ‘next’ type of ‘link’. This is a link that is created by the pursuit and acquisition of the funding and the publicly funded positions and facilities. I have been head-banging about this as one of my original empirical and diagnostic areas since before Ken Livingstone staged his coup against Andrew Macintosh in May 1981 following the 'official' announcement of the then just held Greater London Council [=GLC] elections [May 1981]
What ideology do I follow in this? My own. I have this quite easy to convey ideology: look for the evidence and tell the truth. It includes all the people who want the truth and it is very useful in exposing those who want to hide things. Now, do the CONDEM pair want to tell the truth or are they on another hype trip today? Is Cameron going to hype on yet another facet of his assault on Society? Of course he is. So what will it take before Cameron makes another series of confessions and actually does it: starts to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?
Will that ‘habit’ spread to Society too? Will there be any evidence of the local Councils telling the truth to the local people? Chances are that the ones in power won’t want to tell the truth to the people. This creates the same question: are the people in Britain awake enough to expose the lying politicos of all parties and Parties? This remains the question. NOT the fakery and the fraudulence fabricated by CONDEM Clegg and CONDEMNABLE Cameron . This ought to be answered by the end of the day. In context. In ethics. In morality. in true democracy and accountability. But it will not be. [To be continued]

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