Saturday 26 March 2011

No CUTS demo: what happens AFTER the massive turnout? Has either of the Eds the answer ? [1]

No CUTS demo: what happens AFTER the massive turnout? Has either of the Eds the answer ? [1]

Muhammad Haque London Commentary br>1220 Hrs GMT br>Saturday 26 March 2011br>. The march taking place in central London this very minute against the UK CONDEM COLLUSION ‘Govt’ as fronted by Bullyingdone ‘Dave’ Cameron and sub-fronted by the equally Tory Nick [‘call me Lib dem’!] Clegg and their agenda, is massive even by the admission fo the BBC. This march, however, is NOTHING as compared to the two million people who gathered in central London on Saturday 15 February 2003 against the Bliar Collusion with GW Bush and their war plans against the people fo Iraq. On that day, UNLIKE TODAY, the BBC was in denial and it failed to report that demonstration in anything like the ‘almost positive way’ it is doing today's ‘NO CUTS’ demo! On Saturday 15 February 2003 the BBC had hundreds of camera crew recording the entrie demonatsriuon and yet it did NOT bridacst the newes! The FIRST susbnatial report on BBC TV of the demosntarin of 15 February 2003 was in an ediution of the PANORAMA pfrogramme in which Vivian White, one of the BBC’s now vetern rteporters, did cover the events! That action by the BBC showed the toitalk contempt for the camnapgn aghainst war that the BBC has shown. So toiday’s BBC coverage of the demosntaton against the CONDEM COLLUSION CUTS will also show the BBC;’s agenda. We shall be covering the BBC’s behaviour throughout the day and over the remnaidner of this weekend. [To be continued]br>br>

From PREVIOUS editions
AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary 2200 [2145] Hrs GMT Thursday 24 March 2011. Kitty USSHER! The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign helped expose her three years ago. That was over Kitty USSHER’s then dodgy role as a peddler of some VERY DODGY elements in Tower Hamlets. The “part” that Kitty Ussher then played was in aid of elements who had been - and have remained ever since - linked with some of the most undignified and shameless elements who stole money from ordinary Bangladeshis in the UK via an outfit called First Solutions that had its ‘HQ’ dubiously sited at an over-promoted address in the Whitechapel Road London E1 the detractors of ordinary Muslims always connect with a still private and allegedly suspicious political operation.
Kitty USSHER was “targeted” by a number of self-seekers and idiots at the time, who played their part to dampen the community based campaign that we were organising to get the people their money back. Those elements abused the community’s anger at the thieves and they allowed the thieves’ ‘mates’ to use “links” [that were very tenuous at best] with the G Brown “government” and by doing so they allowed the thieves to get away with their crime against the Bangladeshis. Whatever HER motives, Kitty USSHER went along with the line that the thieves desperately wanted. She aided and abetted the thieves’ promoters and she was able to create the mirage that the “UK Govt was on the case and that the Bangladeshis would get their justice”! NO such luck! The Bangladeshis who had been robbed got nothing. And Kitty, whop managed to feature in the list of scandalised MPs despite her corrupt bragging that her family had been “a superior one”, is now set to be embroiled in even dirtier scandals all derived from her greed and her lack of ethics in her conduct concerned [To be continued]

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