Thursday 10 March 2011

The MUHAMMAD HAQUE LONDON COMMENTARY exposing mass paralysis that has been created in the Tower Hamlets population by a CONDEM-complicit Council

0330 Hrs GMT London Thursday 10 March 2011.
Bullock was a de facto 'role-model' cited on 6 February 2010 by peddlers of the bureaucratic tool that was being foisted as an idea at that stage [at the ‘Brady Centre’, Hanbury Street off Brick Lane London E1] on the already democracy-deficit Tower Hamlets Council.
UPDATER diagnostic report from the Stockade at Mulberry Place London E14. We focus on the mass paralysis that has been created in the Tower Hamlets population by the complicity of the Bliared Party local bureaucracy that is now increasingly as much the implementer of the ‘CONDEM’ agenda FOR CUTTING Society down as the official ‘Parties’ making up the CONDEM COLLUSION’ are doing on the same Council. We have exclusively devised the diagnostic conjunction ‘CONDEM COLLUSION’ to convey the facts as well as the most far reaching impact that we have found this agenda is intended to have against society. We also update our diagnostic findings on the aspect of Ed Miliband's lack of political identity in the context of the stooged Parliament that is now undergoing domination by Bullyingdone [another of our linguistic devices] CAMERON. We expose the shallowness of the entire Miliband scam by dissecting the crass role being played by the locally sited stooges of the same agenda in Tower Hamlets. The paralysis that the ordinary majority of the Tower Hamlets population has been caused is a direct consequence and result of the political morass that is the locally ‘elected’ Council. On Tuesday [08 March 2011], Tower Hamlets local borough Council.. became a Stockade. It was a Stockade for the ‘protection’ of the perpetrators, ‘dressed as locally elected councillors representing the local population in the deprived inner city East London borough of Tower Hamlets’ of CONDEM assaults from the ordinary public’s gaze! In seeking to be thus protected from the people, the locally sited stooged bureaucracy also INTRODUCED a SECURITY STATE-style vetting procedure. The procedure is a tip of the iceberg of the bigger assaults against civil liberties that the stooged Council, is set in the months and years to come in Britain to be used to implement. That procedure at once confirmed what Tower Hamlets Council bureaucracy has been turned into: an extension of the antidemocratic, Big Business Military Industrial Complex [= ‘MIC’] agenda-courier FORTRESS accommodating and providing platforms to perpetrators, under guises of ‘local elected representatives’ [!] of wrongful acts with long term and in many cases irreversibly negative repercussions and far reaching damages to the fabric of the local community. So they decided to EXCLUDE the public from the supposedly public charade of a public budget! [To be continued]

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