Wednesday 16 March 2011

A movement for spotting the latest fakers and assorted liars that serve the propaganda agenda of Big Business Military Industrial Complex

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary
0905 Hrs GMT
16 March 2011.
I am starting a new movement for spotting the latest variety of fakers and assorted liars that serve the propaganda agenda of Big Business Military Industrial Complex.
I could not start with a more topical and visible sock puppet than Bill Buckley. With his frequent twisting of the miniature constitution complete with the hair-freed top, Bill Buckley sits before Chris Eakin on the BBC News Channel as an almost visible puppet mentally and structurally prostrate at the feet of The Cooperation for Lies He has now been spotted on Rupert Murdoch's Sky News outfit too.
This time he was serving as the ghost of GW Bush or may be as the ‘new-look’ puppet of the Pentagon agenda now being prompted by Obama and implemented in Iraq, Afghanistan and increasingly in parts of Pakistan under the command of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The look on his face was a betrayal of the concept of universal humanity and compassion because the man was in fact thinking of ways to articulate a justification to attack millions of innocent people in the Middle East. Sockpuppet Bill Buckley was making the ‘case for war on Libya’ and in that servility to the Military Industrial Complex, he was jointly appearing on with ultra warmonger and neo-Con propagandist the ‘soft-soundbyted’ Ian Dale.
They repeated with no evidence of any concern for the UNO’s Declarations for Human rights or for the UNO’s other Charters emphasising the requirement for due process, legality, constitutionality and universality the call published by the warmogers-edited and the Guardianed Observer as by-lined to one of Tony Blair’s persistent marketeers, Andrew Rawnsley.
[To be continued]

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