Thursday 17 March 2011


1815 [1600] [1544] [1520] hrs gmt



17 March 2011.

By © Muhammad Haque.

THE KEY POINTS of the EAST LONDON COMMUNITY CHARTER AGAINST THE CONDEM CUTS AGENDA [CCACCA] will be about the AUDIT of the CUTS-carrying out Council and the audit of the CUTS-compliant London Assembly and the audit of the CUTS-carrying Houses of Parliament.

The details of that audit will be spelt out here and on our twitter sites in the next 24 hours. UPDATES will follow
We shall also simultaneously publish the exclusive AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Reports our video reports overnight and on Friday 18 March 2011. Those web links will be published here overnight for ease of access . The CCACCA is therefore embarked now on a new Constitutional movement which will be the democratic device to hold the ones doing the cuts accountable and thereby to expose their weaknesses of ‘reason’ and thereby defeat them and finally to stop and reverse the cuts. It is going to be a detailed elaborate and deeply engaging campaign. This is the latest phase of the Movement for the defence of the community in the East End of London.

[From the previous editions]
the east end of london’s very own community charter to beat the condem cuts agenda is being published here next. as i finalise the contents, here is a contextual preview of what it is about: it is a charter updating the agenda for the community that comes closest to the values that the democratic group of councillors fought for almost a hundred years ago. i here refer once again to george lansbury and his colleagues who fought against the core agenda at the conservative assault on local democracy. i have already reported here and on the fast developing aadhikaronline video news and reporting web site via youtube, the outrageous absence of a serious mobilisation against cuts in tower hamlets. i have published only snapshots of the scenes outside the mulberry place [the ‘town hall’] as i photographed on 8 March 2011. the scene was a stockade. the only clear images that could be spotted at the ‘entrance’ to the mulberry place on that evening were those of the metropolitan police personnel. that was not a scene to be proud of in any democratic context at all. police officers should be seen in proportion and on the sidelines. they were the only people that could be seen for hours! which means that the people, the public, had gone! where had they gone? what had happened? what was so unacceptable about ordinary people being around the mulberry place to register a resounding no to the agenda of cuts? the first part of the answer to this question is that on that evening, democracy had been reported from tower hamlets. from tower hamlets council. and those who took part in that deportation of democracy were the “elected” councillors. as i pointed out on the evening, that was a betrayal of all the basic duties owed to the community by the “elected” ones. their betrayal has meant that they had flouted the democratic mandate. they had also forfeited their claim to being democratically installed any longer. so where is the ‘democratic opposition’ to that then? where are the “true democratic campaigners from all the true genuine democratic groups, parties and movement” that surface on suitable occasions claim that they mobilised the people in and of the east end? These mysterious elements surface when the very ordinary people are spontaneously gathered, assembled by certain tangible treats to the very existence of the people, Such as happened in June last year with the threat of a racist onslaught. Then the many ‘left’ grouplets materialised and made all manner of claims about THEIR achievements and their leadership! So where were THEY on 8 March 2011? Where have they been the past ten months that the CONDEM has been refining the assaults on the East End of London? Do ‘the left’ even know what the CONDEM operatives look and talk like “in the community”? The truth of the matter is that “the Left” is not there. It does not exist. It has not done so in Britain for decades. What the BBC “helpfully” does is to maintains a parade of updated images disguised as “the left”. The “mass day of demonstration against the cuts” planned for the last week of March 2011 is a typical “left” stunt! It could not be more Right! Just like the overly-hyped “Stop the War” banality lasting for the entirety of the Blair-Bush-Obama fronted Military Industrial Complex occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and other parts of the resourced and naturally endowed world, the rest of “the left” is embarrassingly transparently [a tellingly ironic place for transparency in this context] active in diverting the people from democratic mobilisation against the corrupt agenda that is operated at home and morality-dressed abroad where occupation, looting and robbery are done in the nam,e of “vah-loos” that Gordon Brown had faintly uttered and those that William Hague has been exposed as being too incompetent even to coherently display without being caught up in his own serial errors and ‘events’!!!. William Hague NEVER deserved to be propelled to the “place” that he got propelled to in the first place. From the moment he was given that platform via the BBC and other Right media in Britain as the teenager that best personified “the Thatcherite future”, it was quite obviously that there was no real future for a democratic just and sustainable society ion Brian with any agenda that William Hague could be associated with. THAT he has been tolerated, nay even feted for over 30 years shows the real ignorance and bankruptcy of the “British establishment”. And the fact that “the left” has allowed that to go on for 30 years has once again vindicated my analysis of “the left”: that it does not exist. What is paraded as various “groups, factions and sub factions of the British Left” holding up banners and handing out leaflets at entrances to various bogus ‘campaigning events’ fronted and staged by the “British Trade unions, the TUC and by the fronter Labour Party bureaucrats” are fakes. [To be continued]

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