Friday 18 March 2011

EAST END of London very much in the sights of CONDEM Cameroin as a target foir internal deportaion by new poverty-creation....

1450 [1430] Hrs GMT



18 March 2011

By © Muhammad Haque

On the day that UK CONDEM Collusion CON Cameron contrived a scenario of confected convincibility about his conviction to wage war on the Middle East by uttering a lower-key version of Tony Bliar and delivered a series of untruths about the costs in all particulars justifying sending young British personnel to their deaths [BBC One O'Clock News, Nick Robinson reporting] and failing to make any comment about the latest market reports showing a record low in consumer confidence in the UK, one of the pro-war, pro-Big Business, pro-MIC Bliaring MPs, Nick Raynsford was seeking to stay in ‘the local news’ [preferably in and around his House of Commons seat] by referring to something that was in fact also happening. Nationwide was closing down branches across the most deprived parts of inner London and in the south East [not the “affluent South east” but the South East that is CONDEMNED by the EFFLUENCE of negligence that is being now carried out by the CONDEM regime] thus expediting the internal deportation programme mounted against the low income and the vulnerable even further. How can that be justified? How can ANY of the CONDEM assaults be justified? How can the CONBDEM denials be justified?

How can the CONDEM deprivation be justified?

How can Nick Clegg be justified as he keeps up the appearance of ‘parliamentary legitimacy’ behind the CONDEM violations of the most basic and universal of rights fos so many in the UK Now being targeted for internal cooperation and intensified depravation by CONDEM Collusion carrying out this CON agenda.
[To be continued]

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