Friday 11 March 2011

East End NO to elected mayor campaign tells off Cherie Blair on latest marketing stunt for low lawyers

1515 Hrs GMT



11 March 2011

Editor © Muhammad Haque

East End NO to elected mayor campaign tells off Cherie Blair on latest marketing stunt for low lawyers

The ticking off comes as a comment published on the London GUARDIAN website in the past 30 minutes rejecting the wife of Tony Blair over her marketing of the UK 'legal profession' dressed up as a ''rescuing' bid' for the alleged disadvantage youngsters attending the under achieving schools etc. The BHANGEELAAR! campaign tells Cherie Bliar to look at the real creators of the disadvantage, the failing schools and the agencies of state that are supposedly there funded so hugely to do their job and equip youngsters with high standards of education and qualification to get on in life.

The BHANGEELAAR! Campaign also points out the persistent practice of lying for the failures that is carried out daily by the local media and also in particular by the OFCOM-licensed and ethnicty-linked satellite TV channels.

[To be continued]

Expanded text of the BHANGEELAAR! diagnostic rejection of Cherie Blair's stunt today on the GUARDIAN:

Our Movement has been defending the "underprivileged" in

the East End of London for the past half century. Our half

centenary report, being finalised for publication this year,

shows that the “professions” are as entrenched and as

indifferent to social justice now as they ever were. Most

certainly as they were in the 1950s and 1960s.
The way

forward on the entrenched injustices of the professions in

the UK is that there is no way forward with the agents of the

same professions doing the marketing for the professions on

occasions strategically selected by their agenda setters.

Cherie Booth ‘QC’ could find, if she really wanted to, that

the most intractable factor obstructing justice via the

professions is the failure of those who are promoted as

‘icons’ and or ‘celebrities’ peddling the marketing mantras

phrased in suitably socially disguised language to tell the

The legal profession is as much a morality free zone

now as it was two hundred years ago. The only thing that is

different is the odd, exceptional events when one incident or

other forces the practitioners to confess to some always

manageable flaws in their updating of their grip on the rest

of society.

The thing that Ms Booth overlooks and has overlooked throughout her career as a recorded member of the Bliared promotion trade is the failure of the existing agencies and institutions that are fully or adequately funded to provide the high standards of education and qualifications to the young people they already process but whom they persistently betray, undermine, under-encourage and under-appreciate. If these institutions and agencies had been identified as the really large factor for the backwardness and failures that they are and have been for ever of so many who fail because they have not got their potential learning and qualifications then the kind of promotion Ms Booth is now embarked on would become unnecessary.

Does she have what it takes to face up to THAT challenge and start campaigning for truly transparent, accountable and honest locally elected councillors delivering their democratic duties encompassing all sectors including schooling and Education? If she ever visits Tower Hamlets again, she may like to examine the actual role being played by those who control the academic destinies and horizons of the overwhelming majority of young people enrolled in the various institutions. Any truthful audit of these would show that really disadvantage is being created and maintained by so much failures within those walls that ought not to be tolerated. But the failure is being tolerated.
We know the consequences of the failure are being borne bitterly by mostly silenced people across the borough who daily limit their own freedoms so as not to come face to face with the products of the criminalising institutions and agencies!

CONTRARY to the reassuring sound bytes and mythological safer neighbourhoods’ stunts perorated routinely via the lazy local ‘media’ and by the even lazier and the OFCOM-licensed ethnicty-linked channels carried by BSKYB, life in the East End will NOT change for the better following Ms Booth’s latest strategically placed propaganda for her profession!

1500 [1448] Hrs GMT

London Friday 11 March 2011


The Campaign against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets

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