Thursday 24 March 2011

David Cameron is complacent about crime in the community. This is most natural. On the world market, he has made his mark as an arms-salesman!

AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Commentary
2100 [2042] Hrs GMT
24 March 2011.

David Cameron, the Tony Bliar-heir-in-his mind is fast confirming the truth of his deep ignorance of and contempt for society. If his utterances, prompted by the BBC today as part of THEIR ignorance about their duty to tell the truth about Society, are to be believed. He has uttered another idiotic ‘sermon’ extolling the virtues of parental role and duty about crime.
He has not visited the estates in the inner cities at all.
And he most certainly has no idea about the bankrupt councillors that trade in the name of the ‘Conservative Party’ on many of the inner city local borough councils. Including Tower Hamlets Council.
In my empirical studies of London over the past four decades, I have not once met or come across or been aware of a single “elected councillor”, of any Party affiliation [or none] in any part of London who has shown ANY sign of being EVEN AWARE of their duty to be a “democratically elected representative of the electors” first and foremost. It follows that the idiotic words delivered in the off-puttingly complacent accent by David Cameron as broadcast by the BBC today [Thursday 24 March 2011], are irrelevant at best and contemptible in their implications.
And the context of Cameron’s complacence about crime in the community makes his position even less acceptable. Cameron is an arms-salesman in the “interenational market” who is now engaged in a business enterprise that is causing deaths to innocent people while creating the “need” for any amount of arms to be destroyed and others. even more ‘efficient’ ones to be manufactured.
The BBC have avoided all references to CXamerobn’s arms-salesman role altogether in their plugs for Cameron via the BBC’s own “charity” work as a bargaining strategy claiming that the BBC does “support” the little ones! [To be continued]

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