Tuesday 22 February 2011

The UK broadcast media regulator OFCOM has been failing in many respects.

1020 [1000] Hrs GMT
22 February 2011
By © Muhammad Haque.
The UK broadcast media regulator OFCOM has been failing in many respects. One of the areas in which OFCOM has been failing is to be found in what I have been describing for a decade or so now [on the evidence] as the ‘ethnicty-linked outlets. That operative concept can be written either with question marks or without, as long as the two words ‘ethnicity’ and ‘linked’ are linked by a hyphen separating the state of their connection! I have made the distinction between the two words ‘ethnic’ and ‘ethnicity’, in order to denote the core purpose being served by these outlets. That purpose on the evidence is to mislead and to rob. They mislead and they rob the very community whose zomby-washed image and collectivised name is being invoked in [the traders] seeking or grabbing hold of their OFCOM licenses and related tokens of ‘legitimacy’ necessary to ply the trade ‘in broadcasting’ . And there is no evidence this week as there has been none in the years since OFCOM became ‘responsible’ [‘licensed itself to use powers’] for regulating these outlets that OFCOM has what it takes to conduct regulation even at a conceptual level let alone in reality. And this OFCOM emptiness is loud and offensive every single hour as the zombie channels do their zombie items enveloping the minds of the captive ‘'viewers'’ with the darkness, ignorance and untruths that OFCOM bureaucracy appears content to allow and complicit in the perpetration of. [To be continued]

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