Monday 21 February 2011

Time for fitting memorials for Altab Ali, Tosir Ali, Ishaque Ali and the other martyrs whose sacrifices have made the Bangladeshi community in the UK

Time for fitting memorials for Altab Ali, Tosir Ali, Ishaque Ali and the other martyrs whose sacrifices have made the Bangladeshi community in the UK what it is today.. Those martyrs have made the wider community that much more conscious and aware about the need for tolerance, fairness and humanity..
0440 Hrs GMT London Monday 21 February 2011
By © Muhammad Haque
Striving since 4 May 1978 to create a society in Britain that is more tolerant than it was until the moment in the afternoon when Altab Ali on his way home from work in a factory in the Brick Lane London E1 area became a most reluctant martyr.
Altab Ali followed Tosir Ali who too had become a martyr a decade or so earlier also in the East End of London borough of Tower Hamlets. Only two months after Altab Ali’s martyrdom there was another Seelotee language speaker Ishaque Ali who too became a martyr following an attack in the London Borough of Hackney.
The first public meeting demanding action against such attacks was held on Sunday 07 May 1978 at a building called the Grand Palais cinema.
Thousands of Seelotee language speaking workers gathered to demand urgent action and justice for Altab Ali. The meeting was organised by the campaigning group consisting of Mr Abdul Aziz [of Debarai village in the Asirgonj bazaar side of the river Kushira in the Beani Bazaar Upazilla], Muhammad Haque [of Chandarpur, Kushiara, in the Golapgonj Upazilla] and their students Abdus Salam [1], Abdus Salam [2], Somodul Ullah, Najabot Ali [Niazi] [deceased], Monuhar Ali, Ruhul Amin, Azizul Haque [deceased] and a number of close supporters of the campaign in defence of the community.
The Abdul Aziz and Muhammad Haque group of campaigners had begun to mobilise opinion in defence of the community since Sunday 02 December 1973.
Extracted from UPDATES on ALTAB ALI, Tosir Ali, Ishaque Ali, By © Muhammad Haque London Sunday 20 February 2011

[REPORTING to be continued]

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