Thursday 17 February 2011

KAY JORDAN's HEBA Women's project in Brick Lane deserves solid support for a sustainable service to the East End community

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17 February 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque
Lutfur Rahman accompanied by one of Tower Hamlets Council’s senior education officials, returned to the HEBA Women’s project in Brick Lane London E1 on Tuesday this week to follow up on the pledge he had given in October 2010 whilst seeking elected office in the Borough, that he would support the project.
On Tuesday Lutfur spoke to me outside the project's premises in Brick Lane about the “important HEBA project”.
He then attended a meeting with HEBA staff now giving their time as de facto volunteers for the project and about 20 women from the East End who have been attending classes and training events when HEBA has had sufficient funding.
During his meeting with them on Tuesday, Lutfur Rahman reiterated his pledge to back HEBA .
In the middle of October 2010, Kay Jordan told me that HEBA needed sustained funding support. When I asked who the women receiving HEBA education and training help were, Kay told me that almost all of them were women from Tower Hamlets.
A high proportion of them with Bangladeshi backgrounds. That makes HEBA an ideal project for dedicated and sustained support by the entire community, people and the local Council. I shall be following progress of the activities by Tower Hamlets Council as the local authority in context after Lutfur’s HEBA visit of this week. In the next report later toady, I shall begin a review of Michael Gove in context.
AVN Action Note about HEBA:
Established more than 20 years ago under the initiative of Kay Jordan, Heba has been a unique project educationally supporting a diversity of women from Tower Hamlets [and some from other areas] with skills, language schemes and other activities including a highly regarded crèche that have not been available in the HEBA mode anywhere else in the Borough.
[HEBA funding progress reports and updates will be continued here]
[Online updates available via]

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