Sunday 13 February 2011

EAST ENDER tells David Cameron: "Society is rotting because democracy is missing....” East Ender tells David Cameron

Society is rotting because democracy is missing....”
East Ender tells David Cameron

Society is rotting because democracy is missing....”
East Ender tells David Cameron why his Big Society is a Big con
1810 Hrs GMT
Sunday 13 February 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.
David Cameron is not going to make things better for people in the inner cities by mouthing the most patronising platitude that he has been given by whoever has been behind his Big Society confections Nor is he going to improve the standards of society in those parts of the UK where apparently affluent neighbourhoods experienced what are in fact ‘inner city’ failures . And when they do that, they moan and the Daily Mail is driven to carry the stark headlines. Otherwise, things are left to fester and fester and fester.
As they have been for decades in the inner cities. For this reason the Big Society promotion is a Big Sick Joke to most East Enders struggling to enjoy ‘home’ on the sink estates that Tower Hamlets Council has allowed prevail and thus to become no-go neighbourhoods for the big majority of the residents in the given areas. Neither “Dr” Kevan Collins the over hyped town clerk nor the “elected councillors” care about the socially sinking states of the sink estates.
Tower Hamlets Council is in a Collusion with the Conservatives and the token ‘minor’ ‘party’ ‘councillors’ on keeping quiet about this as long as the ‘wider public’ doesn’t find out about the sinking state.... By the looks of it, the “moderate” “journalists” “specialising” in the fanatical propaganda journalism about the Borough's allegedly fundamentalist tendencies are content to let the same Council.. maintain the sinking standards on so many estates and neighbourhoods.
Thousands of people across this one inner city east London borough endure misery of indescribable proportions every week.
There is no ‘authority’ serving the needs of the population in the vast majority of cases. It is not Thousands of young people are growing up in Tower Hamlets without the universal standards of education and without being equipped with the universal values that are absolutely important for a responsible dignified and positive life. This is not something that has just come about in recent weeks or months or even years. This is something that “local politicians” of all parties and groups have been party to creating over the years. Years that have witnessed Tower Hamlets “Labour Party” [which has been in “elected” control of the local Tower Hamlets Borough Council for all that time] be ‘in control’ via special bureaucratic and undemocratic control from the Party HQ.
That has been taking place with the local people having neither any say nor any requirements from ‘the party’ TO have or to OFFER any say about what is taking place in the name of the Borough inside the Party that has been in control of the local Council or what has been actually being ‘thought’ by the “elected” councillors who have been used by the controlling Party's bureaucracy and by the internal controlling clique on the Council itself.
Whichever way they are looked at they have been - and are continuing to remain - unaccountable, unaudited and uncaring. So they are the ones that should be held to account to begin with. They are the ones that should be demonstrably held to account for the hundreds of £Millions that they have pocked by way of ‘salaries’, ‘bonuses’ and ‘other costs’ in the name of serving the population that has been reduced to the states of sinking social disparities, discord and disability all across this East End borough. But Cameron is not going to even acknowledge this statement of the state of the sinking estates that we have here diagnosed and updated.
Cameron will listen to the very sort of ‘reliable sources’ that have cared the sinking mess. And he will even ‘honour’ some of them in no time at all for creating the bad society that is certainly getting badder [Oops! ‘worse’] by the hour. With the passage of every hour that sees another repeat by David Cameron of his Fake Society chant, there is another thousand casualties of the bad society being added to whatever is supposed to still operate as ‘emergency’ services....
Society is rotting because democracy is missing. But Cameron is on to a con and he is too busy confecting his spin to notice that it is democracy that he must do his best urgently and immediately to restore... He will not do anything for democracy. Why? Because he does not care for democracy. He cares for the agenda that Big Business prefers. And Big Business prefers a smokescreen to be created.
This is the truth.
The truth that Ed Miliband has appropriately failed to notice let alone to condemn. Why? Because like David Cameron himself Ed Miliband too is cosy with Big Business. There is not much that separates them. Elecant the dates of their careers in the particular posts.
[To be continued]

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