Wednesday 5 January 2011

The most ordinary Brick Lane in the East End of London houses some very extraordinary entrepreneurs today! Thanks to the Extraordinary Kay Jordan!

1955 Hrs GMT
05 January 2011

By © Muhammad Haque

[This version edited again at 1310 Hrs GMT London Thursday 06 January 2011]

Kay Jordan the unforgettable inspiration to an innovative businessman making his mark across continents

When Kay has not been telling MPs to get their facts right about the East End of London before scandalously abusing their positions as rubber stamps for greedy Big Businesses bent on looting £Billions from the public while leaving the public short, she has been doing what she has been very good at: Inspiring world class entrepreneurs to get the best backing that they deserved. One such has been Neil. He told me today about some of the things that he treasures about a true friend and an inspiration.

Without Kay’s help and support, Neil wouldn’t be where he is today, running a successful small business that has become a respected source of specially prepared food that is extremely hard to find in an ordinary place. And there is nowhere more ordinary than BRick Lane in the East End of London.

That Neil has achieved this has been significantly due to the gifted Kay Jordan who has been decades ahead of others in recognising the potential in Neil’s enterprise.

That has been one of the examples of the extraordinary Kay Jordan’s kind of support!

[To be continued]

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