Sunday 16 January 2011

Kay Jordan has been defending the East End of London with the help of a number of close friends. One of the most important has been Rhoda Brawne.

0605 [0555] [0545] [0530] Hrs GMT
16 January 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.

One of the people that Kay Jordan has worked very closely with in identifying the Crossrail hole attack threat to the Brick Lane London E1 [and adjoining] area has been Rhoda Brawne.

I update on Rhoda Brawne's work with Kay Jordan in this series, starting with the report that follows this contextual introduction.

The “Brick Lane London E1 area” has been “important” in the measurement, calculation, indexing, description, reference concerning “deprivation`’ in the “inner cities” in the UK.

Over the past 50 years at least, the prominence of deprivation in the UK’s internal social control strategy “thinking” has been increasing. Deprivation strategy as a tool for state-linked action and agenda setting has been getting deeper. And the fact, the incidence and the presence of deprivation in the context of the policy decisions made for the furtherance of the various cravings of Big Business have been included as essential items of reference not to address and eradicate deprivation but to use deprivation as a central plank of the assault on the deprived communities to keep them down and to further deprive them.
Deprivation is material.
Deprivation is environmental.
Deprivation is social.
Deprivation is political.
Deprivation is in breach of all declared codes of state, Government and Political behaviour!
So when the Khoodeelaar! campaign was founded SEVEN years ago on Saturday 31 January 2004, it was done with the clear aim to stop the FURTHER IMPOSITION of deprivation on the Brick Lane London E1 area and on the similarly deprived adjoining parts of the inner city East London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
At that founding event, Kay Jordan described in brief some of the technical and engineering ploys as known at that point time that had been devised to drive the Crossrail hole scam through the area. Kay Jordan stated at the meeting held on 31 January 2004 at the Montefiore Centre [Hanbury Street, off Brick Lane] how deeply and extensively the then known Crossrail plot would impact on the area. I can recall that the meeting was attended by a significant number of locally resident and or locally working personnel. Only Kay Jordan spoke at length about the technical aspect and the most logically feasible scenarios that would result from the then known Crossrail plot details at that meeting. Others who spoke did so either very briefly or as inquirers wishing to be informed of what the Crossrail plot was about.
That aspect, the status - and more importantly the ABSENCE from the peddlers and the prompters of the Crossrail scam of RELIABLE - information, has been a constant feature of the behaviour of the Crossrail scam promoters, peddlers and pushers. Those peddlers, promoters and pushers have included of course the UK central Government Department for Transport [DfT] and the London “mayor-controlled” outfit the Transport for London [=TfL].
Both TfL and DfT have persisted over the past SEVEN years in denying information when asked or they have been unable to answer logical, rational, constitutional law question and queries.
The same has been their position about the environmental questions. And about the technical, engineering questions.
Kay Jordan has been a leading questioner on the engineering and the planning aspects fo the Crossrail plot.

[To be continued]

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