Sunday 23 January 2011

If Rupert Murdoch's News of the World/Andy Coulson have violated 'celebs' then David Cohen has violated the DISPOSSESSED!

2000 [1955] Hrs GMT
23 January 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.
Gordon Brown’s reported concern about his privacy being invaded by the Any Coulson-linked Rupert Murdoch-controlled ‘News of the Wold’ [=‘NoW’] may appear to be of a different order than our concern in the East End of London about the invasion of our space and the violation of our scope as perpetrated by david Cohen from the EVENING STANDARD on 18 October 2010.
But it is not different.
Both the Coulson-linked ‘hacking’ events and the EVENING STANDARD’s DISPOSSESSOR David Cohen's violations constitute the core of the evidence of the CONDEM regime being about smashing up society.
Breaking up Society.
Not brining about “Big Society”. But rediucngh society into bits of broken down, smashed up, denied society..
[To be continued]

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