Tuesday 11 January 2011

Five years ago next Tuesday, Kay Jordan was at the front of the Khoodeelaar! demo held in Hanbury Street and Princelet Street in the Brick Lane area.

0912 [0905]
[0900] [0840]
11 January 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.

Khoodeelaar! is due to start publishing today an updater commentary on the Kay Jordan presentation to the UK House of Commons “Select Committee” that had been conjured up as part of the confidence trick by the agenda pushers via “Parliament” for the Big Biz interests.

Kay Jordan spoke to that “Select Committee” in June 2006 and what she said then about the multifarious destruction and damage that a Crossrail hole assault would cause to the East End of London can now be reviewed in light of the 4 years that have elapsed since.

Community architect Kay Jordan’s understanding of and the defence of the environment, the economy and above all the people of the “Crossrail-hole-plot--targeted” Brick Lane London E1 [and adjoining] area continues through the people-friendly steps that she been supporting and has been putting in the area. We start with a look at the Hanbury Street London E1, the street where Kay Jordan traversed on Tuesday 17 January 2006 when taking part in the KHOODEELAAR! constitutional action demonstration marking the formal sitting of the stooged “Crossrail Bill Select Committee” of “MPs”. On that day, 17 January 2006, we, the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the “..Crossrail hole Bill....” also began the then updated phase of our campaign strategy to expose the untruths that had been purveyed through the formal structure and avenues of the “UK Parliament”: by Big Biz about the “relevance” of Crossrail to the UK Economy.

It was our strategy and our consistent work against the lies that addressed the untruths.

We have been vindicated over the past four years on that by the emergence of universally valid and additionally relevant evidence exposing the lies that Big Biz had perpetrated via the then “Crossrail hole BIll” and the lies that are still being perpetrated by the same forces who inhabit the bailed out Banks and their many agencies and touts who are kept in funds at the expense of the UK economy generally and of the many millions of people being forced to suffer hardship, want and destitution “in order that” Dave Cameron and his CONDEM cabal can carry on their cultural war on the people that they are ideologically, culturally committed to deprive of equality and parity in society. No wonder that CONDEM Cameron has stopped uttering the obscenity he had misleadingly and cynically called “Big Society”.

With every passing day the remnants of ordinary society get even more fragile resulting from the CONDEM attacks. Nothing that tricky Nick [Clegg] spieled on the ITV this morning [‘Daybreak’!] can hide the outrage that the CONDEM version of poverty creation in the inner cities is.

Kay Jordan in participating in the KHOODEELAAR! campaign for the past SEVEN years [starting on Saturday 31 January 2004] has been actively addressing the latest tentacles and manifestations of the agenda of the CONDEM attack.

Kay Jordan is seen carrying the banner saying DON'T DIG HERE in our blog photo [top, left of this khoodeelaar.wordpress.com blog ] .
[To be continued]

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