Thursday 4 April 2013

£53-a-week con! Even the Neo-Cons-peddling London EVENING STANDARD is forced to mock

Even the Neo-Cons-peddling London EVENING STANDARD is forced to mock IDS £53-a-week con!

Even the Neo-Cons-peddling London EVENING STANDARD is forced to mock IDS £53-a-week con!

AADHIKAROnline-Khoodeelaar! Campaign NO to IDS' latest lie against the INVOLUNTARY POOR

0405 [0400] [0325] GMT London Thursday 04 April 2013

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary:

Continuing to diagnose the dire malaise that is the Neo Cons of Britain as exposed by the deeply sick-making depth of stupidity and blatant nastiness of the utterance of the man who faked his entire career by capitalising on a false image that he was the “Quiet Man”!

That he never was anything remotely like Quiet has been exposed by his nasty cruel calculated contempt for the people whom he has been pushing into involuntary destitution in the name of“reform” [11]

Even the Neo-Cons-peddling London EVENING STANDARD is forced to mock IDS £53-a-week con!
[see texts of their short, mocking piece, reproduced below]

[To be continued]

THE LONDON EVENING STANDARD Londoner's Diary Column Wednesday 03 April 2013:

Who will save Iain Duncan Smith from a tight budget?

As the numbers signing a petition to have Iain Duncan Smith live on £53 a week rivals Tory party membership numbers, will no one ride to his rescue?

Edwina Currie, former Health Minister, said she could live on £53 a week.

“Asked her to talk to Channel 5 News about it,” tweets producer Nick Frost. “She wanted 500 quid.”

And what about Michael Portillo, who had some experience of a tight budget after living as a single parent on £80 a week for a BBC documentary a decade ago when IDS was party leader? “I’m keeping out of this," he wrote to the Londoner.

0325 GMT London Thursday 04 April 2013

Even the Neo-Cons-peddling London EVENING STANDARD is forced to mock IDS £53-a-week con! [see texts of their short, mocking piece, reproduced below

[To be continued]

Who will save Iain Duncan Smith from a tight budget?

As the numbers signing a petition to have Iain Duncan Smith live on £53 a week rivals Tory party membership numbers, will no one ride to his rescue?

Edwina Currie, former Health Minister, said she could live on £53 a week. “Asked her to talk to Channel 5 News about it,” tweets producer Nick Frost. “She wanted 500 quid.”

And what about Michael Portillo, who had some experience of a tight budget after living as a single parent on £80 a week for a BBC documentary a decade ago when IDS was party leader? “I’m keeping out of this," he wrote to the Londoner.