Wednesday 26 December 2012

Sub-fascist Iowa State Supreme Court may be giving the "Taliban" comfort!

Sub-fascist Iowa State Supreme Court may be giving the "Taliban" comfort!

Sub-fascist Iowa State Supreme Court may be giving the "Taliban" comfort!

2110 [2100] [‎2055] [2035] Hrs GMT



26 December 2012

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Constitutional Commentary about the critical immorality that the “Constitutional” USA exhibits. [1]

Piers Morgan as contrasted with the Iowa all-male Supreme Court.

I think the Iowa State must pay Ms Nelson a huge sum in damages and that the White House should urgently look into the Iowa Supreme Court Judges and have them sacked if it is at all possible within the USA Constitution, under whatever Amendment.

It is not just the farce of the soulless USA gun lobby staging the "intelligent" e-petition to get Piers Morgan more publicity than he already manages to get via his contract with cNN and assorted outlets both in the USA-and in the UK but also the behaviour of the likes of the all-men "Supreme" Court of the Iowa state in the USA that has displayed the “height of intelligence" that deserve very through rejection everywhere. 

Look at this story [web linked below] I have retrieved from the website of the TV Channel in the past few minutes. My Ethical Comment on the Iowa "Supreme Court" is this:

How dare you even think that you should be allowed to sit in that Court in the name of "law"?

What you should have done is to ask the question: what about the dentist idiot “Dr Knight” who flaunted his alleged libido as a JUST [!!!] reason for violating and humiliating the employee for her “attractive” looks?

What kind of dark age are you in?

Is there, by any remote chance, any one any of you know who might be out on patrol 

“civilising” the “heathens” across the Middle East, in Afghanistan? If a self-confessed randy dentist can have an attractive woman sacked because of her looks then that is actually saying that she can lose her job, a penalty, for her innocence!

So what is the difference between Ms Nelson and the many Afghan women who are reportedly attacked, violated for ‘showing their feminine faces and bodies”?

And while we are on the subject of women’s humanity and men’s assumption that women must treat men as primitive beings unconcerned about human rights, are you the Iowa “ Supreme court judges” going to let off a rapist next because he could not control his urges before attacking a woman who was dressed in a certain way????

I think an e-petition on the White House web site must be started without delay demanding the sacking and trial of these judges for corruption of justice and demanding the exemplary award of damages to Ms Nelson from the Iowa State funds.

[To be continued]

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Constitutional Commentary about the critical immorality that the “Constitutional” USA exhibits. [1]

  • 2100 [‎2055] [2035] Hrs GMT
  • London
  • Wednesday
  • 26 December 2012
  • The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Constitutional Commentary about the critical immorality that the “Constitutional” USA exhibits. [1]
  • Piers Morgan as contrasted with the Iowa all-male Supreme Court.
  • I think the Iowa State must pay Ms Nelson a huge sum in damages and that the White House should urgently look into the Iowa Supreme Court Judges and have them sacked if it is at all possible within the USA Constitution, under whatever Amendment.
  • It is not just the farce of the soulless USA gun lobby staging the "intelligent" e-petition to get Piers Morgan more publicity than he already manages to get via his contract with cNN and assorted outlets both in the USA-and in the UK but also the behaviour of the likes of the all-men "Supreme" Court of the Iowa state in the USA that has displayed the “height of intelligence" that deserve very through rejection everywhere. 
  • Look at this story [web linked below] I have retrieved from the website of the TV Channel in the past few minutes. 
  • My Ethical Comment on the Iowa "Supreme Court" is this:
  • How dare you even think that you should be allowed to sit in that Court in the name of "law"?
  • What you should have done is to ask the question: what about the dentist idiot “Dr Knight” who flaunted his alleged libido as a JUST [!!!] reason for violating and humiliating the employee for her “attractive” looks?
  • What kind of dark age are you in?
  • Is there, by any remote chance, any one any of you know who might be out on patrol 
  • “civilising” the “heathens” across the Middle East, in Afghanistan?
  • If a self-confessed randy dentist can have an attractive woman sacked because of her looks then that is actually saying that she can lose her job, a penalty, for her innocence!
  • So what is the difference between Ms Nelson and the many Afghan women who are 
  • reportedly attacked, violated for ‘showing their feminine faces and bodies”?
  • And while we are on the subject of women’s humanity and men’s assumption that women must treat men as primitive beings unconcerned about human rights, are you the Iowa “ Supreme court judges” going to let off a rapist next because he could not control his urges before attacking a woman who was dressed in a certain way????
  • I think an e-petition on the White House web site must be started without delay demanding the sacking and trial of these judges for corruption of justice and demanding the exemplary award of damages to Ms Nelson from the Iowa State funds.
  • [To be continued]


  • Court upholds firing of woman deemed ‘too attractive’
    www.france24.comUSA - The Iowa Supreme Court has upheld a dentist’s decision to fire his female assistant for being too attractive and therefore a threat to his marriage. The

Boris allows racist attacks on the TfL buses: NOT a good legacy is it?

2012 Games Hosting-boaster Boris allows racist attacks on the TfL buses: NOT a good legacy is it?

2012 Games Hosting-boaster Boris allows racist attacks on the TfL buses: NOT a good legacy is it?

0405 [0355] Hrs GMT 
26 December 2012

This is an image of the back of a No 25 Bus aboard which an Asian male passenger was hit with a walking stick by an "old aged pensioner” [!], a white female for no reason whatever.
The Bus involved is or supposedly is regulated by Transport for London [TfL], headed by Boris Johnson, one of the first to benefit from the massive TV publicity of the 2012 Games Hosting 
Boris Johnson has no remedy in place against racist attacks on either the buses or on other TfL transport vehicles. 
Clearly the boasts about the “legacy” of the 2012 Games do not cover or include or extend to let alone ending racist intolerance on the TfL system of so-called public transport in London.

[To be continued] 

This [below] COMMENT has been published on the GUARDIAN newspaper web site in the past hour. 
The comment concerns the multi Billion waste of hosting the 2012 Games and the fact that the East End has NOT benefited from it.
THE COMMENT by RIGHTSADVOCATE is REJECTING the Guardian's claim that the Games hosting Billions spent was worth every penny 

[Guardian headline to the piece on their website reads
“Britain's end-of-year Olympic verdict: it was worth every penny”] 

It most certainly was NOT in Newham, not for ordinary people. Nor in Tower Hamlets, not for ordinary people. 

Not in Hackney, ditto. 

Not farther East nor in the North East in Waltham Forest. 

Nor across the river in Greenwich. 

Nor in Southwark. 

Barely a 1000 people, in their teens, surveyed! 

Where do they live? 

What are their own family, personal income status, brackets, positions? 

What are they doing by ay fop institutional Education or employment?
And a thousand other equally relevant, down to earth questions need to be answered. 

Why on earth would the GUARDIAN be peddling this totally ridiculous, untenable, fabricated “good news” line about the Games that only benefited wasteful Big Biz operations and their tools. 

There is no sustainable legacy. 

There could not have been. 

The whole thing was hyped up to allow Big Con Merchant “corporates” to loot, rob and steal from the public. 

From the word go. 

When Ken Livingstone boasted to David Dimbleby on the BBC Panorama “Mayoral Election” Special [April 2008] that he, Livingstone, had lied to get the Hosting site located in the East End of London, he justified that lying by claiming [in effect] that the patch of Newham borough [Stratford] where the 2012 Hosting stadium [now] is, would be regenerated in a way that could not be achieved by following conventional British political decision-making. 

You should now ask him and the ordinary people of Newham and of Tower Hamlets and of Hackney if they accept the claim and how their economic and social and environmental lives have benefitted in any tangibles, sustainable way from the irresponsibly and wasteful misadventure. 

If you do this and only when you have done this thoroughly and transparently impartially can you claim any legitimacy to run a headline and a story along the lines that you are running with this phoney poll. 

The Guardian propaganda piece for the 2012 Hosting is accessible on their web site by following the link below: 

Osborne has DOUBLED number of Treasury staff on six-figure salaries since election

Osborne has DOUBLED number of Treasury staff on six-figure salaries since election

Osborne has DOUBLED number of Treasury staff on six-figure salaries since election Osborne has DOUBLED number of Treasury staff on six-figure salaries since election EXCLUSIVE: So much for austerity, George: Osborne has DOUBLED number of Treasury staff on six-figure salaries since election

• Treasury is one of four departments where number of civil servants on £100,000 or more has risen

• In 2011/12, there were 39 people in his department earning more than £100,000; up from 37 the year before. In 2009/10, there were just 20

• Home Office, Government Equalities Office and Department for Energy and Climate Change also employ more on four times national average wage 


PUBLISHED: 00:00, 25 December 2012 | UPDATED: 00:00, 25 December 2012


George Osborne was accused of failing to practise what he preaches last night after it emerged the number of staff he employs on six-figure salaries has doubled since the election.

The Treasury is one of four departments where the number of civil servants on £100,000 or more has increased – despite the age of austerity.

Theresa May’s Home Office has sanctioned a 50 per cent increase in the number of six-figure bureaucrats, despite overseeing budget cuts under which the number of police has fallen throughout the land.

The number of highly-paid staff on four times the national average salary has also increased at the Government Equalities Office and the Department for Energy and Climate Change.

 Chancellor George Osborne was accused of failing to practise what he preaches last night after it emerged the number of staff he employs on six-figure salaries has doubled since the election

Critics say it is unforgivable that the Chancellor is overseeing such profligacy at a time when frontline public services are being slashed, businesses are having a difficult time, and hard-pressed families are forced to tighten their belts.

In 2011/12, there were 39 people in his department earning more than £100,000; up from 37 the year before. In 2009/10, there were just 20.

Matthew Sinclair, chief executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: ‘George Osborne and his ministers have rightly been demanding public sector pay restraint in order to tackle the eye-watering deficit. 

• Osborne faces Cabinet revolt over road toll plans: Ministers fear it could be repeat of ‘pasty tax’ fiasco • Revealed: Real cost of petrol is now as high as in wake of Suez Crisis when supplies were rationed • Borrowing rise could cost Britain top credit rating: Osborne facing uphill battle as figures reveal more economic gloom 

‘So taxpayers will be appalled to learn that he has singularly failed to practise what he has been preaching in his own department. When families are struggling to make ends meet, and most civil servants who have kept their jobs are supposed to be subject to a pay freeze, this smacks of hypocrisy.’ The figures were uncovered by Tory backbencher Dominic Raab, following a series of parliamentary questions. Last night he said: ‘Given the urgent need to pay off our national debt, whilst avoiding frontline cuts, the astonishing number of bureaucrats on six-figures salaries should be going down, not up, across Whitehall.’   Theresa May's Home Office has sanctioned a 50 per cent increase in the number of six-figure bureaucrats, despite overseeing budget cuts under which the number of police has fallen. The Department for Energy and Climate Change, headed by Ed Davey (right), now has 15 staff on £100k or more - up from 10 before the election The parliamentary figures show that the number of Treasury staff on more than £80,000 also increased – from 47 before the election to 75 last year. A spokesman said the huge rise was the result of the department’s absorption of an organisation called Infrastructure UK. This consists of former business leaders who advise the government on Britain’s long-term infrastructure priorities and bring in private sector investment.  The Government Equalities Office, which is led by Culture Secretary Maria Miller, has increased the number of civil servants on six figures from one in 2009/10 to two in 2012/13 As former business leaders they demand commercial pay rates. Before the election, these people’s salaries were only half-funded by the Treasury. Now they are fully funded by the taxpayer. The spokesman said that without Infrastructure UK, the numbers of six-figure staff would have fallen slightly. Yet even since the absorption, the numbers on more than £100,000 rose in the following year, from 37 to 39. He also pointed out that the total headcount in the department had fallen from 1,386 before the election to 1,187 in 2011/12. And the amount spent on salaries had fallen from £70.6million to £59.3million. At the Home Office, the number of staff on six figures has increased by a half from 24 to 36. The Department for Energy and Climate Change, headed by the Lib Dems’ Ed Davey, now has 15 staff on £100,000 or more – up from 10 before the election. And the Government Equalities Office, which is led by Culture Secretary Maria Miller, has increased the number of civil servants on six figures from one in 2009/10 to two in 2012/13. Other departments such as the Cabinet Office have seen increases over the past year, although the totals are still lower than when Labour were in power. In addition, Mr Raab’s figures show that in some departments – including the Foreign Office – although the number of people on £100,000-plus has fallen, there has been an increase among those earning more than £80,000.  Osborne looks flustered as he helps paint a moneybox with children at No.11. Critics say it is unforgivable that he is overseeing such profligacy at a time when frontline public services are being slashed, businesses are having a difficult time, and hard-pressed families are forced to tighten their belts Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Brick Lane KHOODEELAAR! UPDATING the latest sci

Meanings of the words, their importance: Brick Lane KHOODEELAAR! UPDATING the latest scientific evidence on the "name'',"names'"-1

Brick Lane KHOODEELAAR! UPDATING the latest scientific evidence on the "name'',"'names'"-1

Brick Lane KHOODEELAAR! UPDATING the latest scientific evidence on the "name'',"'names'"-1

2354 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday
25 December 2012.

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical and Linguistic Commentary [5] The word KHOODEELAAR!

and the related words...

The image below is one of my KHOODEELAAR! leaflets, written in Seelotee by using the Bangla script.

KHOODEELAAR! is a multifaceted Seelotee language word that I created in context in 2004 to mobilise the community to defence itself against the Crossrail hole plotted by the Big Business and the City of London interests against the Brick Lane London E1 area.

It is “the Brick Lane London E1 area” that also houses the spot they call “Banglatown”.

And Banglatown is the word that the Conservative Party councillors in the “local” Tower Hamlets Council ant dropped from the name of the Council Ward known as “Spitalfields and Banglatown”.

Although neither the Conservatives, nor the English Boundary Commission nor the Tower Hamlets Council, uses the phrase “the Brick Lane London E1 area”, the plain truth is that it is Brick Lane that is the most well known of all three components. 

Spitalfields at this moment is attracting just over 3 Million results on Google while Brick Lane is exactly 17 million results!

That is, Brick Lane is more than THREE TIMES more widely known on the INTERNET than Spitalfields.

However mathematically or algorithmically the search itself is programmed the truth is that it is Brick Lane that comes out at the top with the highest number.

I have just done the tests.

So why is it that those who want to drop the word Banglatown appear “naturally” content with the word “Spitalfields”?

Why don’t they go for “Brick Lane” area?

[To be continued]