Thursday 13 September 2012

UPDATINg on the contaminated Environmental "Health" of Tower Hamlets Council - 1

0815 [0755] [0730] Hrs GMT London Thursday 13 September 2012.
By © Muhammad Haque.

I was in a conversation at 0013 Hrs GMT this morning with a man from a Bangladeshi community-linked radio outlet based in Bethnal Green, Tower Hamlets.
He called me on the contact mobile number [which was working at the time] and asked me about taking part in a programme or more on the particular problems that he had been seeking to highlight and draw the community’s attention to. I shall come to the specifics of those in a later part.

For now, the point is that he called me after watching the satellite channel on SKY 844 where I had been appearing for the previous hour or so. And there I was talking what turned out to be mostly about the deficit in local democracy in Tower Hamlets.
The majority of the callers to the programme, hoisted by Shoaib Choudhury, wanted to focus on the failures of the local Tower Hamlets Council.
It became very clear that the failures of Tower Hamlets Council were in a most ir9inc way the most popular among the callers.
The follow on from that will include a documentary report that I will be doing from Brick Lane tomorrow, Friday 14 September 2012.
That report will focus on the rampant failures of the Tower Hamlets Council’s Environmental Health bureaucracy.
One caller from the Princelet Street, off Brick Lane, gave a new catalogue of anti-social, filthy mess that is left on the doorsteps every week by “visitors” to Brick Lane.
Local councillors know about this from their own experience and from the repeated calls to them by residents who are overwhelmed by the problems caused by the mess.
So how is it that the “Environmental Health” has allowed the health of the local community to be exposed to the mess for so long?
Is it the case the Tower Hamlets Council’s Environmental Health is so diseased that it does not know the difference between a risk to health and a risk-less state of the environment?
To answer this question, I now begin to address the role played by at least one set of the officials in the section in allowing the criminal damage, theft, removal and destruction of the libraries, archives, manuscripts, IT files, storages, IT equipment of the Foundations.

This series of attacks has taken place in the past two weeks.
But the plotting must have lasted longer than a mere fortnight.
A separate legal questionnaire has been sent to the Tower Hamlets Council’s “assistant chief executive [legal]” Isabella Freeman demanding answers on a most urgent basis.
If Isabelle Freeman fails again [she has form] then I shall focus on her past failures item by item here.
If she stops the rot and starts to tell the truth about the attacks then I shall report that too.
A note about the phrase “the Foundations” in this context:
They refer in effect to the University institutions that I have been creating, adding to and supervising.

The Foundations also include the Kay Jordan Foundation, Aadhikar Media Foundation, M K World, All Volunteers News and Khoodeelaar! Plus CBRUK and 40 other similar learning and research and diagnostic initiatives.
[To be included]