Tuesday 17 May 2011

Do the headlines hide more than they reveal today? Under the cloud DSK, Muammar Gaddafi and Chris Huhne!

0845 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 17 May 2011. AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque “World Mainstream Media is a tool for Big Business Military Industrial Complex agenda of robbing the world and of keeping the status quo of robbery on the world stage...” Commentary.

Do the headlines hide more than they reveal today? Under the cloud DSK, Muammar Gaddafi and Chris Huhne!
The answer is a resounding YES.
No to the AV scam that Huhne was so fervent about. But YES to the question about the headlines.
Just like Huhne is in denial so is Muammar Gaddafi as is Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
But the very media that is doing the hiding is doing so with far deeper thought than may appear entailed from even this diagnosis. So what is the deeper thought? Take a look at each of the items and see if you can work out the element that is the at the core. And that element is the consistency. Without fail, the three items focus on the individuals. They do NOT even have a hint about the agenda that is, on the facts, Big Business. Muammar Gaddafi is now the target because that is what suits Big Business. That is what MIC wants now. MIC does not want Syria to be treated the same as Libya.
That is why Assad Junior is not being targeted with the additional ICC crawler. Nor is anyone in Yemen or indeed in Bahrain. Or indeed in Tunisia...Flick back to New York and you find that there is no instant interviews with a single person that can tell on how the IMF created poverty, famine, hunger and starvation all over the world, especially in Asia and in Africa and in parts of South America...... Contrast that with the instant finding of the blond - yes the Hungarian one for a start or, to put it in a gradual way, to count one....] - with tales of IMF bureaucracy's “outrage” because, the blond now reportedly asserts [she is cutely based in London now with a more lucrative job!] they had undermined her true feelings as they had closed franks and in effect deterred her from going all the way with her genuine complaints against DSK over her affair with him! There is not an iota of concern for the MILLIONS of women in Asia and Africa whose very breath was [collective] taken out of them by the hunger, famine and starvation that the IMF IMPOSED as part of the conditions for austerity measures on those “little” countries. “Little” in the context of the world-stage power that those regimes could exert as against the TERROR that the IMF creates on any regime in economic crisis..

[To be continued]